
My brother and i want to get my parents a nice gift for their 20th anniv. So, pls give me some ideas?!? please

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  1. Pictures they took leading up to now on a board or in a scrap book with breakfast in bed and a really nice card!

  2. Send them on a Cruise

  3. if u can afford it have u thought of a vacation like a cruse fr just them. or maybe a picture with a nice message engraved on the frame.

  4. u could make them a candle light dinner thats very thoughtful

  5. depending what your budget is, i think one of the nicest things is to send them on a trip together.  Or even just a nice date.  A nice restaraunt or concert or something.  If you want something more lasting, you could get them a nice family portrait on canvas or something like that.  Or a new piece of furniture.  It is always hard to decide.  Good luck!!

  6. well i think you should definitely get them something that they will both use. well i don't know what they will like but i made my parents a pillow that says "happy 20th anniversary i love you".

    just let it come from your heart!

    just DONT buy something stupid!

  7. dinner for 2 coupon at local chinese restaurant.

    As a parent 22 years married with kids who are university students, I know that is about all they can afford....and I LOVE chinese!   Notice I said for 2 not 4.  Kids stay home.

  8. book them a dinner at a really nice romantic dinner or something wich u can afford

  9. me and my brother had there original picture framed and put coins around the pic from the year they got married

    its a really cool frame that plays a song when u touch its flap

    its there wedding song Everlasting love

    it cost us though but it was special ordered from Things remembered

    my ques

  10. fhmskvcladx

  11. I would look into getting a personalized something. Like a pillow with a picture of the two of you, or a photo album. You can find them for not much money ($20-$40) and its really nice. Also, think about witting out a favorite story or memory of when you did something with them, type it in the computer, put a picture of yourself next to the story (if the story is from when you were 5, put a picture of when you were five next to it) and have your brother do the same. Print it out on nice paper and frame it. Or you can do several stories and put them in a scrap book. You should be able to do it for about $20.00 or less, but your parents will be very pleased. Its something special that they can look back on for years. Cruise is nice, but look at it this way, once the cruise is done, that's it. This they keep for  years to come.

  12. nice trip to costa rica...beautiful country and a lot of turistic places.. get a guide so they can get a tour...its actually  pretty cheap...considering you dont spend american dollars. they are pesos i think...good luck =]

  13. Picture of you two smiling is what every parent wants >.> I hate doing it personally

    I also got my parents that "Jeff Dunham" dvd. Comedy dvds are fun to watch.

  14. 2 pictures, the first one the 2 of them only, the second both of them + their children, which means you and your sisters/ brothers. (This is something that will make them see what they did: they met, the lived together, loved each other and they got you)

    After that, believe me man, add what ever you want as a gift it will be less effective then those 2 pictures.

    PS: But remember; a picture where they are alone MUST be the first.

    Happy birthday to your parents and nice Qs

  15. maybe you can give them a free dinner at a romantic restraunt or i would just get eachother something they wanted for a long time that is not over $25 bucks

    :)   hope that helps

  16. I dont know how much money you have to spend = and I'm sure your parents are working people -

    so how about a weekend alone at a bed and breakfast?

    There are wonderful places all over the country - do a little research and find one not to far away - they don't want to spend the weekend driving - especially with the cost of gas.  Maybe an hour away = so it will feel like a mini vacation.  

    If they have hobbies or interests maybe you could find one that would supply them with an area that includes these interests in the close vacinity to the B & B.  Like golf, or antique hunting, theatre, gambling, swimming, fine dining, hiking,beautiful gardens, historic places - you must know what they like.

    Don't forget to include a throw away camera for them - make them a scrapbook when they get home of their "2nd Honeymoon"

  17. Buy them a gift card for a restaurant they would never go to.  Try and find a place that is romantic, and has the type of food they might like best.

  18. Matching jewlery pieces.

    Like watching watches, or a gift certificate to the nicest place in your town, and splurge and get them a limo!

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