
My brother and sister are very envious of me?

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we all 3 had very difficult chidhoods ... iwas fortunate enough to marry well now i have a life with almost everything i want.My brother and sister on the other hand ...there life seems to be getting worse.When im around them i feel so guilty for having a fortunate life.Everyday i pray for them the very best and i try to help but i feel like wat i do is never enough or appreciated cos ive got a rich husband and cos i never worked for it myself...i feel this distance growing amongst us ...wat do i do?




  1. Spend the day with them out

    of the house.Take them somewhere

    they'll enjoy.Like to dinner or something.

  2. First off, you shouldn't feel guilty about it. It's just how life works sometimes. And although i can kinda get the picture, I'd need more info about your brother and sisters lives to REALLY answer the question. Mainly though, just try to be there for them. If they are in a tough spot, help them out however you can. Try to call em up regularly and see how they are doing. I think that would help them most.  

  3. Well Dun Yu Hav Any Probz In Yo Life ... ???

    Trii Telling Dem Without Actin Like Yur Complainin ...

    Id Feel Juz Like Dem ... !!!

  4. you prove to them that your still the sister that they love. you ended up being where you are because of destiny, and not everyone has the same luck (like your siblings). all you have to do is keep helping them as good as you can, and hopefully they'll come to realize that all your doing is out of love.

  5. I wish I knew what to tell you.  My best friend is the same way.  She was the middle daughter of 3 daughters.  Her oldest ran off and got married at a young age.  Always causing my friends mom heartache, then died at 28 from cancer.

    The youngest got married had and child then divorced.  She out of church and a single mom.

    She has an older step sister and step brother.  Her step brother was in church, but got out of church.

    My friend is a school teacher and is happily married.  She says her other siblings call her the "angel" and "little miss perfect."

    It's pretty rough.  Just keep praying for them.

  6. You have your own life to live now. Your 1st responsibility is to your husband, & the family you have together. Part of that is looking after your husbands wife, & your children's mother, so make sure you stay well, & don't burden yourself with any unnecessary guilt over the lives your siblings have made for themselves.

    Unless they are openly complaining to you then probably most of the guilty feelings you are experiencing are being generated from inside of you, so I suggest that you stop doing that to yourself right now.

    I also suggest that you stop making statements to yourself like you married a rich husband, & you never worked for it yourself.

    I think your husband would be the 1st to agree with the old saying "behind every successful man you will find a woman". You are his woman, & his partner, & you are a part of a successful partnership, not just the woman who lives in a rich mans house.

    You may have good reason to feel that your life is fortunate, but is it really good fortune, or more by design?

    So get back to your fortunate life, & realize that these guilty feelings are just poison, & it's your job as the mom in this family to keep the poison out, & keep the family healthy.

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