
My brother broke his ankle and is drunk...?

by  |  earlier

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hes too hostile to go to emergency...we want to give him tylenol 3 ...but it has codine...hes been drinking.....will one pill really cause that much damage?




  1. Helper, has the best answer right now, Don't give him any kind of medicine while he is drunk this could throw him into cardiac arrest, in other words you could kill him.  If you believe he has broken his ankle tell him he needs to go to emergency now if not he could make it worst to the point were they may have to brake it again to set it properly or he may cause it more damage to were they may have to cut it off, he will be a crying ***** when he wakes up missing one foot.  Tell him that so he understand how bad this is.  Also for now ice it down that will help take down the swelling and the pain, but you need to get him to the hospital before gangrene sets in if it is bleeding under the skin, that will cause them to cut it off.

    I don't want to scare you just educate you.

    Good luck and get him to the hospital.


  2. tylenol by any means necessary. to avoid to emergency room since that's your option, i'd say the best bet for him is to sleep it off. if he is really "p**s drunk" then someone should sleep next to him or guard him while he's sleeping bcus i've heard bad stories about people who die in their sleep from choking on their own saliva ( due to alcohol consumption ). & as for the ankle, for now wrap it with a towel & some ice. and when he's sober, he can determine whether or not he chooses to see a doctor.

  3. don't give him TYLENOL 3 by no means!!!! it will f#&k up his kidneys and your problems could get extremely bad!!!! Just stick his leg in ice and give him sugar sweets to knock out his drunken state. YOur brain looks for sugar so more sugar then faster he gets out of his drunk state.  

  4. I don't think you should give him any medicine, I personally would take him to hospital, if hes hostile or not. His ankle needs to be looked at. If they give him something to calm him down, I don't think your putting him through anything,if hes that drunk he won't even feel it.

  5. DO NOT GIVE HIM AN MEDICINE.  Take to the hospital or call the police if he acting out.  

    As an EMT my advice ice his ankle.  Take to the hospital ASAP.  do nt give him medicine.  

  6. i wouldn't give him any codine if he is drunk. best bet is to got to the e/r so they can monitor him and help with his pain also. they know how to control hostile patients well!! good luck

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