
My brother can hardly speak and he's 8 years old!!?

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I'm 15 and I have 5 siblings...I am the oldest and the youngest is 6. My brother is the second youngest and he's 8. The youngest can talk really well, all of us can. Except my brother. He can't read and he has trouble saying words with more than 2 syllables!!

He misbehaves really badly as well. Every time my mum tries to punish him for being naughty he just seems to think that we are all against him!! It is really hardgoing and infuriating!!

He doesn't try to help himself...he enjoysd playing the computer, but he hates educational games. So my mum made a rule that he has to play one hour of educational to be allowed 1/2 an hour of uneducational. But he countered that with the face that the older kids didn't have to do that so why did he?

Please! I really need help with this!! Does anyone have any advice??




  1. Your brother needs to be evaluated by a speech therapist and a doctor that knows about behavior-related disorders.  Your brother may just be frustrated (accounting for his behavior) or he may have some real issues that need dealt with.  Is he in school?  If he is, then he should have already been evaluated for some of his problems.  Make sure your mom checks into all available resources to get him any help he may need.  Best of luck.

  2. Have him checked out by a speech therapist.  My oldest son didnt start talking until he was almost 8 years old.  We ended up taking him to several doctors and he was diagnosed with a form of autism.  He misbehaved,  threw fits but never talked.  Once we got him the help he needed,  he talks great now:))  Good luck:))

  3. tell ur mom to put him in speech wen school starts (in or outside of school whichever is better for ur family) it might help

  4. Take him to a doctor.

  5. Your brother may have an expressive language disorder Discuss your obervations withyour parents. Hopefully he can be evaulated through the school system


  6. He needs speech therapy

    He needs to be tested for learning disabilities

    Your school should help, they do in the US

    I assume you are in England, because of Mum

    He needs to be tested

    My daughter did not speak more than three words sentences until she was 5

    She been in speech since she was two

    She test to high for Autism, but she does learn disabilities

    Next year, they are trying something new with reading

    Phonics not not work for her

    She is a very smart girl

    You brother needs to be tested so he can be helped

  7. the issue may also be autism-related.

    Autistic children have a hard time relating to other people because they think and see the world so differently. Often they act up because of an inability to understand that they are doing the wrong thing, or because they're quite simply pissed off that no one seems to understand them.

    An offshoot of an inability to relate means that often they take a while to learn to speak because it's not their first choice of communication.

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