
My brother culd be such a ***** to me sumtimes! plz help Bcus i swear if he doesnt move out I will.?

by  |  earlier

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my brother is such a ***** to me sometimes. im not sure how to explain it, he give me these looks like he hate me like hes ashamed that im his sister. and i know i shouldnt care and i try not to but it hirts u kno. and talks to me like he's talkin to an animal like im not worthy or something idk. and it makes no sense Bcus i even get better grades wit him i respect ma parents more than him, but its like im still not good enough to watver standerds or watver he has for me. idk, and my mom listens to watver he says, and like a girl an only take so much! i like exploded today Bcus he was looking at me like that and like talking down to me about how lazy i was nd how i dont do ****.and i just explodes! i started screaming and crying, and i just dont kno wat im doing wrong! my mom was talkin to me shes like blind to it idk Bcus he only talks to ME like that it just hurts.

hes a senior in HS and i kno it sound mean bbut i really was like waiting for him to move out, but then i find out he's goin ot da community college here nd is gona keep living here. and ugh idk i cant take 3-4 more years of this, and i serious if he keps treating me like he do, and he doesnt move out soon i will. **** that i can live like this. ma mom and dad are awesome everything in my life is good but stupid danny[[ma brother]] has to bring me down..

IDK wat to do. wat do u guys think?

im 13 he's 17




  1. i know what you mean. Both of my sisters ( 17 and 3) both look down on me. My parents dont pay as much attention to me as they do to them. Luckily my older sis will be out in a year. I like being the oldest in the house. But yeah, my older sis goes on about myy imperfections, and sometimes looks at me like i am inferior to her. It really burns me up. And believe me, you dont sound mean. Just thank god you dont have two of the same brothers. Just ignore him or refect the same things he's doing to you to him. Hope this helps. bye!

  2. My brother is more than ten times worse he,doesn't give me looks.Unfortunately Comme la vie(such as life),I'm thirteen and he's twenty-one and not moving out anytime soon(personal reasons nobody on here's business)and I can't.The thing is talk to your parents tell them what's wrong,they need to understand.Also if that doesn't work(didn't for me)give it right back,he needs it.Because trust me you'll just about go crazy,if tells you you're lazy prove you aren't.If that doesn't work when he throws his fits just look at him like he is the stupidest person you've ever met in your life.And laugh in his face,my brother has done that to me when I told him I didn't think he loved me anymore.It hurts,but no matter how my brother treats me I know he still loves me(crazily enough),things could be worse.Just tell him to pull himself together before you rip him apart.Be mean right back and don't take c**p from him or anybody else.Good luck,I know It's kind of a difficult situation and I'm sorry you have to go through it.Or have a dad that is even worse than your brother.

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