
My brother finds it hard to sit down. he says his bum is cold and he keeps going to the toilet?

by  |  earlier

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my brother has downs and i worried. yesturday he found it hard to sit down wich carrys on really because he has been laying down alot not sitting. he goes to a care place during the day but he crys an says no when we say about it. he said this morning to my mum and i that his bum herts and its cold. he also says he wants to go to the doctors we really have no idear what is wrong could you help




  1. hemorrhoids maybe?

  2. On Yahoo Answers, people can really only speculate. I would advise you to just go to your doctor if you want to a condition diagnosed.

  3. Listen to your brother , somethings going on and he wants to talk to the doctor. Take him. Good Luck. Moth

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