
My brother gets abused?

by  |  earlier

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My brother is 5,

And my dad abuses him[as in hit, hurt]

And I mean Very abusive,

twisted his arm,

digs his fingers between his neck and shoulders.

And I just cry my eyes out to have to hear him.

My dad does NOT abuse me,

but im scared to do anything because i dont want to get abused because my mom already did years ago.

It seems my brother is living my life. getting abused. Im afraid he will regret it and have a bad child hood. My mom stopped hitting me when i grew up, old enough to tattle or defend myself, How can I help my brother??

[BTW] My mother and dad were never married, my dad calls my mom nasty names when she stands up for my brother,so she doesnt do anything. And he moved in, just one day he decided to move in, he brought EVERYTHING, to our house wile we were gone. I dont know how he got in the house.. So sadly he lives with us NOW In case this helps!




  1. Talk to your mom,tell her if she doesn't stop, then you will call the social services.You guys should get him out of there before he kills somebody.Please stop your brothers sufferings.He doesn't deserve it.How can your mom take it?Nobody will put their finger on my children.No way,over my dead body.

  2. If you really want to protect your brother ; you will call the police or the social service ; Oh it will be hard for a couple of days ; but Gee you will proud of yourself after your little bother will be safe and not abuse anymore ; and if you are scare for your own security ; make a report to the police and tell them if ; ever something happen to you ; to look at your father ;; first suspect ; you are the only one who can stop this abuse ; will you do it /  

  3. you should talk to a guidance counselor that you know will get you immediate help. talk to your brother and be on the same page to get help for the both of you, do this asap before something worse happens!

    Good luck  

  4. Its very important you do this now, you tell your teachers and the rest of your family. You also call the police. You need to this for your brothers safety. If you really love him you would call the police before it gets worse. I do child abuse at college and some of the stories you hear, don't always turn out well because nothing has been said. So tell some one please :) please x

  5. This is really horrible. I'm so sorry you have to live through this. You need to take action. you have to get you, your mom, and your little brother out of there. I know you are scared to death but, you have to call the police or tell one of your teachers at school. They will help you. You need to tell someone besides us "online people" Your brother is only five so he can't do anything to defend himself and your mom is probably scared out of her mind of him. But he doesn't you so you need to take action and save your mom and brother from him. i hope this helped a little. Im really sorry about your situation right now but, just remeber that things will get better. they always i promise that.  

  6. Report it to the Child Abuse hotline in your area.  If you are in school you can report it to your guidance counselor.  Reports can be done confidentially.  Save your brother.

  7. You can talk with another adult you trust and respect, or the school counselor for help and advice.  You might talk about contacting children's protective services or social services about this issue.  Your brother is a defenseless child, who doesn't deserve to be treated in this violent, horrible manner.  

    When a report is made to social services or CPS, the caller's identity remains anonymous, so you don't have to worry about this.  You might also ask the adult to call for you, about this situation.

    Your father is an angry person and was likely abused as a child himself -- it's a cycle.  Please get help for your brother.

  8. You need to talk to your principal or counselor at school.  They will get you the help that you need.  Your situation is NOT normal and I sincerely hope that you no that.  You and your little brother have done nothing wrong.  You need to know that it is not okay for him to treat your mom and your brother that way.  There is more than one way to abuse a person.  You can be abused by hitting another person and you can also be abused by mental abuse which is what your dad is doing the the two of them.  Seek help now, before he hurts your little brother so bad that he has to be hospitalized.You truly deserve a better life. You tell it and they will listen and help you.I beg of you do the right thing and make sure you tell them everything. Make sure you speak the truth.

  9. you need to get you and your brother out of there, talk to your school counselor he or she can get you the help you need, these types of things never get better just worst. best of luck

  10. please get your brother and yourself out of there.  Talk to your guidance councilor at school to get help.

  11. OMG.You have to call an abuse hotline. Try Safe Horizon's Hotlines

    Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.621.HOPE (4673)

    Crime Victims Hotline: 866.689.HELP

    Rape, Sexual Assault & Incest Hotline: 212.227.3000

    TDD phone number for all hotlines: 866.604.5350

    Contact Us

    Safe Horizon

    2 Lafayette Street, 3rd Floor

    New York, NY 10007

    Phone: 212.577.7700

    Fax: 212.577.3897

    Remember your brother is little and he has no one else to speak up for him. Please help him  right away. If you live away from home maybe he can stay with you for a bit or by a friend. He can not be in that house when your father  treates him like that.Your dad needs therapy or he needs to get out of the house. maybe you can get a restraining order against your father for your brother.

  12. i feel so bad for you and him, you need to tell someone like a counselor at school and get help now

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