
My brother got a burn on his back by the carpet. Parents arent at home. What do I do???

by  |  earlier

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It was actually my fault. I was play-dragging him on the carpet and then he got burned-scratched. It's first degree but he's crying alot. I tried putting ice, he just cries more





    ice does more damage to the nerves.

    run cool water (not ice cold) over the burn. i suggest you fill the bathtub and put him in for 10 to 15 minutes.

    polysporin is good, just like the girl above me said.

    do you have an aloe plant or aloe vera gel? if so apply it to his back gently then cover it with clean cloth.

    i wouldn't do anything else to it. just leave it, it should heal itself. i don't think you need to call your parents either. your brother won't die from a brush burn. just calmly tell your parents when they get home. say, we were playing around and i dragged him on his back. then tell them what you did for him. they will understand, these things happen.

  2. you got some essential oil of lavender available?  If so, use that.

  3. You are going to want to put a cold cloth on it first, not ice.

    If you have any polysporn in your house, put it on after and it will help.

    He most likely has more emotional hurt than physical hurt, so do something that is fun for him to take his mind off of it

  4. Call your parents and tell them what happened dont think about the trouble your gonna get in! its for YOU BROTHER

  5. take that ice off. its hurting his nerves. but some cold water on it. and use some neosporin to sooth it. then a bandaid. then $5 for dragging him(optional).

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