
My brother got his 360 stolen and knows who did it. How can he prove it to the cops that its his?

by  |  earlier

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The number on the box that it came with doesn't match the serial number on the actual X Box.




  1. He will 1st have to prove that he is the legitimate owner of the xbox. For any crime you must have a victim. No victim, no crime.  How does the serial # not match? By you knowing the # does not match only leaves a few options: 1. This is not really your brother's xbox and this is some other type of vendetta. 2. Have the receipt from the store he bought it from which shows the actual serial number, or  3. Get a bill of sale from who your brother bought the system from.  Also have the Burglary report handy when you decide to report the big break in your case. Good Luck

  2. Well im a cop for shelby county and if someone stole a x-box 360 you can go to jail get fine $500 and a maxiume of 24 hour community service here.I reccomend your parents call the cops and report it stolen and im pretty sure they will know your parents are telling the truth and they should go to the kids house and ask him questions and over 60% of the time they tell the truth.

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