
My brother has Epilepsy and has a massive headache!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm freaking out he's only 12 and he's never had a headache before (since he got epilepsy). right now He's lying down on my bed with a wet cloth over his forehead like he's gonna pass out and his breathing is hard and fast. I dont know what to do! should i let him sleep or not? he gets seizures when he's asleep! and my mom isn't here with the Motrin he has to take! ahh HELP!




  1. Take a deep breath...relax. It is okay to let him fall asleep, just keep an eye on your brother and call your mom and/or his doctor for advice. If your brother has a seizure while asleep, it is okay.

    1. Make certain he is safely on the bed (entirely level surface)

    2. Loosen anything around his neck

    3. Don't hold him down, or put a spoon in his mouth

    4. Sit nearby, to support when he regains consciousness & awareness

    If he does not wake after the seizure, or immediately goes into another seizure, call 911 for immediate assistance. I wish him the very best!

  2. i know its kinda late to answer but there is something i thought i'd like to point out.. maybe ur brother is starting to suffer from migraines? i have a great neurologist and he said that risk of people with epilepsy developing migraines is SIX TIMEs MORE then any other person and vice versa.. i suffer from both migraines and epilepsy but my migraines came first.. for my brother it as the other way around his seizures started and then a few years later he developed bad migraines his seizures stopped but he has REALLY bad migraines. maybe what ur brother had the other day was a migraine headache.. cauase those can be HORRIFIC..

  3. Call your mom and ask her what to do. If you feel there isn't time for that, you need to call 911 and calmly explain what's going on.

    If you stay calm and clear on the phone they'll be able to help you faster.

    Hope your brother's ok!

  4. Call the local emergency room, get the nurses station and tell them this...number in the phone book.

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