
My brother has a gambling problem and he just stold from me what should I do?

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My brother has a gambling problem and he just lost 700 from my checking account and now I'm trying to figure out a way to work it out without him gettimg in trouble. I only have 1000 in my account and I need the money he just blew! He got my check book and and created an account on ewallet express. I am thinking of going to the bank tomorrow and taking out the money before it clears and removing my bounce protection. He told me that he will pay it back a little a a time but I need this money now, it's all I got but I will not report him, no way he is my brother he just has a problem. I was thinking my bank would just reject the withdrawel and send it back and then he can pay it back to the company ewallet express alittle at a time. Will this work? Or should I just close my bank account? Please help me put here, I don't know what to do. Any suggestions besides going to police. Thanks




  1. Go to your bank immediately:

    Close this checking account and withdraw all monies.

    Do not bank on line, your brother obviously got your password and stole $700. from you.

    I don't think ewallet express will allow him to pay back a little at a time but that is his problem, not yours.

    He has a serious problem because he puts his addiction before anything and anyone.  He is not concerned that you needed that money to pay bills.  Make sure he never does this to you again, it is called tough love.

  2. You are enabling his dysfunction so you are a huge part of his problem.  Why do you think you are doing him a favor?  You are, in fact, abusing him, because you allow and encourage him to continue in his sickness, his disease.  It's as if you are putting cancerous cells into a person with cancer.  When he says he'll pay you back little by little, it is the disease in him talking, not your brother.  If you go to Al Anon, you will learn how to not be an enabler.  (Gambling addiction is akin to alcoholism.)

  3. Oh, I didn't see that he stole from you, I edited this post. You absolutely should turn him in. You are being an enabler and your not helping your brother or your wallet out by covering for him.

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