
My brother has extreme medical problems and we're clueless, please help?

by  |  earlier

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My brother, whom the night before complained of a sick stomach, and headache (and then he vomitted and felt better, then went to bed), in the morning had vomit and blood running out of his nose, and we couldn't wake him up. He was breathing, but only barely (you could tell there was fluid blocking the way by the sound) and had a very quick pulse and extremely high fever. An ambulance took him to a local hospital who diagnosed him with double pneumonia, infecting all of both lungs. Everyone in my family believes if it was pneumonia, it would have had quicker signs (such as crackling lungs, hard time breathing, which none of those were present). Any other ideas?

This is really really urgent, we're so clueless..he hasn't woken up yet , and recent information shows he had a brown recluse bite under his t******e region for a week or two before the incident...Also his blood pressure is going up and down in the hospital..Correlation? Anyone have something for me, I'm desperate..Another note..The hospital is hung on the idea that he must have took some kind of drug to do this..None of us (who were in the room) never witnessed this, but 2 days before the morning, he was got drunk with maybe 4-6 beers and a shot or two of whiskey. The alcohol is still in his blood 3 days later while he lays in the hospital, Again, confusing everyone. Last night (which was 2 days after the drinking) his blood level was at 20% alcohol, and he didn't have that much to begin with...What drug could do this to him, and also not show up on the hospital's tests? So confusing...




  1. All any one here can do is speculate. I do agree that there is probably a drug involved. He might not have even known about the drug, it may have been in a drink. The pneumonia, well it can come on quick. Just ignore a cold and not take care of yourself, party, drink etc. The fever would not be from taking a drug, there was an infection brewing prior to his night out. This is going to be a long road for your family to travel. Stay on top of the doctors. Get as much information as possible and come back here with it - someone will be able to add to it, shed more light , explain things to you. Do not let the doctors ignore you or brush you off - be persistent. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  2. 1 I feel extremily sorry for you and i have never gt drunk for this exact reason. Ask all of his mates he was with or the bar he was in and if they wont say then call the police  

  3. Sorry but I cant answer this but if you ask to speak to your brothers consultant they should take the time to talk to you and explain in layman's terms what is happening. Also ask for one of the nurses to be there as they can help explain most of the medical terminology into english.

    Hope he gets better soon Phil

  4. sounds like he aspirated the vomit and someone could have slipped him some kind of drug in his drink. or it could be something having to do with his organs, heart, etc.

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