
My brother-in-law came across 7 abandoned and starving horses in the woods. No animal shelters. What to do?

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My brother-in-law came across 7 abandoned horses in a remote area of the woods and he said they were clearly starving. He said you could see their ribs and they looked pretty weak. Obviously someone has dropped them off because they didn't have the money to keep them and assumed that they would be able to survive on their own! Anyways, there is no animal shelter in my county. I have contacted the only 2 horse rescue groups in the local area but have not heard anything back. My brother-in-law would actually love to take them but does not have the money to build a fence nor to buy food, etc. What can be done for these poor horses? I know by the time they got a grant (even if they were approved) it would take so long the horses would be dead. My only other thought was to put a heartbreaking article in the newspaper and maybe someone who could afford them would offer to rescue them. Any ideas what we can do to save these animals?




  1. The horses need attention now. What do you mean you haven't heard anything back from the horse rescue groups? Did you send them an email? Call them instead, or better yet go visit them in person. If they are too overwhelmed see if one of them will take 4 horses and the other 3.

    Talk to local horse people in the area to see if someone would take them in temporarily.


  2. First call your Animal Control Officer.

    If the ACO won't do anything contact the state level animal welfare group. If this isn't in your local phone book call one of the shelters and ask them for the number.

    Call HSUS if you can't get the number for the state level group.

    Also check out and enter horse (as if you're looking for one) and see what comes up for rescues in your area. I was looking for a companion and discovered a large rescue not far from me. Call those places.

    Since time is important please make sure you are calling these places instead of e-mailing.

    Does anyone around you have horses or a fenced in field? All you would need to do to get the horses out of the woods is figure out who the lead horse is. The lead horse is the one that when you take that horse all the other horses follow. Even if you were able to get them to a different part of the wilderness where there was grass would be better than leaving them.

    Good luck and please e-mail me and keep me posted!

  3. keep them ang get them heathy and sell them to good homes

  4. I suggest you take them a bale of hay every day. I dont know where you live but for me, hay is only about  ÃƒÂ‚£3 a bale.

    Are you sure they are abandoned? are they wild?

    Perhaps go back and look yourself and phone the police, they would put you in touch with a shelter or something and if they have been abandoned, it is animal neglect so punnishable by law.

  5. yeah, call the sheriff because then you can take them to the nearest vet. This animals are clearly suffering from mal nutrition and shouldn't be fed in great quantities just yet. First they will have to make the animal is hydrated enough and they have to give it an enriched food source with lots of vitamins they lost in the woods. Also you would have to get them checked for disease and then finally temperment. I can't believe anybody would do this to them.

  6. if the horse rescues have not called back i sugest taking a visit to go talk to them in person. take pictures of these poor horses to show to the staff. and ask if they can help. and then maybe when the horses are well enough to be adopted your brother can adopt one of them and then maybe you can adopt one as well.

  7. Call the police.  Animal abuse/neglect is a crime.  They will find an organization that will take the hroses.

  8. KEEP THEM!!!! Give them food and water to drink. Then when there in a heathly condition sell them. Can I have one??? xox

  9. Do you have any horsey friend who could help with field care???

    or if she/he has food to spare for them ,i agree with what every one has said to you , if the local horse charities don't help then you need to contact authorities , if they don't listen , try fundraising for them etc... do sponsered runs , ask your friends , neighbors and paerents to help you with money , aslo go down to your local horsey shop and tell tehm about it , if you are worried about those horses you need to tell people who can help to get things done!

    best of luck for you and the horses


  10. Well, what has your brother-in-law done with them?  Are they still in the woods?  Call the sheriff's department, as 7 loose horses is a hazard (especially if they're near a road).

    If you are serious and not a troll, and you really do know of 7 abandoned horses in the woods, then I also suggest contacting the writer of this blog:

    You can contact me for her e-mail address (a different one than the one which is listed on her site) or else you can go to the "comments" section and post your story and e-mail address there.  I have to warn you, though, they don't take kindly to people telling tales!  If your story is true, then it's likely she will be able to help you.  Good luck.

    EDIT:  In that case, you need to contact the person at the link I just posted above.  Don't use the e-mail address she has posted at the top of the blog, as your response will take too long.  You can contact me and I'll get you her contact info.  Your best bet is doing both that and going to the "comments" section here to put a summary of the situation AND your e-mail address (create a separate Yahoo e-mail addy if you're worried about weirdos):

    People all over the US (and world) read that blog, and they are usually able to help out in situations like this.

    Where do you live?  (State)?

    Message sent.

  11. As awful as this is going to sound, the best thing you can do for these animals- indeed, the kindest thing as well- is to call the sheriff in your area, and arrange to have these animals either picked up and taken to one of the rescue facilities. If the facilities are full ( and tragically, most of them are, especially now that slaughter is illegal and horse owners are desperate to get rid of animals which cannot be sold or that they can't afford to feed or keep) then the only alternative the sheriff or the other authorities may have is to euthanize the animals and dispose of the carcasses. That's awful, I know, but it may turn out to be necessary. A quick, painless death from an injection is much less cruel than a slow one from starvation or disease, not to mention injuries. One thing the sheriff or the other authorities might do is to check to see if any of the horses have either lip tattoos or brand markings of any sort- because it's possible to trace the horses' histories that way, and it may lead them to the owners of the animals, or possibly even to the person or people who abandoned them in the first place. That person or persons are going to be subject to criminal and civil penalties, if they can be identified and found.

    Publicizing the animals' fate and appearance may help you, and them, to find homes before it's too late- but I would do more than just put an ad or article in the paper. I would contact a local radio or TV station, and ask if they would do a short spot on the plight of these animals, and ask for donations of money to buy things like hay, feed, and materials for fencing and the like, as well as to pay for their medical and vet care. If these animals are in as poor shape as you have indicated, they need more than food- they probably all need to be seen by a vet, and they need things like parasite control, to have their teeth done, and the like. Unfortunately, all these things cost money, so the only way to get what these horses need is to ask for donations. Perhaps your brother in law can speak with an official at his bank, and set up a special account for donations for these horses' care. That way, people who may be interested in donating money by check or electronic deposit can send their contributions directly to the bank, which eliminates the hassle of having to collect them and take them in.

    Once the horses have been rescued and moved to a safe place, the next step is going to be finding people to adopt them- and again, publicity is the key to doing this. At this point, more radio or TV ads will be useful, because it will point up the need to find homes for these horses. You can also ask whichever vet ends up treating the horses to post a notice on his or her bulletin board at their offices, and put notices of adoptable horses on bulletin boards at places like the local tack and feed stores, the hardware store, and the like.

    Good luck to you, and I hope this helps you out some.

  12. I can not offer any more advice, others have posted sound advice, but please keep us informed of the situation.


  13. Feed then or leave them, that is the short answer, Call local law enforcement. but you brother may have to tell then what he was doing way back in the woods, and does he want the law walking around the woods. Yes I know it is a mean,mean world, but the meat market, might be the answer. not many people can afford to bring back 7 going down horses. and you know they are going to have to be vetted. Boy am I going to get the nasty over this one. Well I am a big boy, and the truth is the truth, It will not set you free, only get you in trouble. I have been in trouble the last 12 years.

  14. Call your local sheriff department.  They should know who needs to be called to pick up these animals.  Poor things, what kind of moron does such a thing?

  15. Call the local paper, if you an get pics that would be great, contact the Sheriff and MAKE a report, don't let them not, also contact you county Commissioner on this and make another complaint.  Someone will hear things get around the grape vine quickly.  Also look on the Internet for the closest RSCPA and write them a letter and if all false in a day or two call you local news, someone will listen before it's too late.  Best of luck, maybe you can get some water out to them at least, and hit up a few barns in your area talk with folks find out if they know of any resources, and also another thought post fliers all over you town, in shopping centers, and so on about this and it will be heard.

    LOL post a FOUND add in your paper, it's free. 7 horses starving owner call #######.....That will get it out there too.

    PLACE A FOUND ADD< the people will see it.  They might have to DO something if they don't....  Man sheriff should do something, sounds like he's lazy...

  16. Call your local radio or t.v. station and they will get attention immediately.  Also call your local newspapers.  Horses are easy to trace .  They could have been stolen and released.

  17. Well - you're going to have a tough time selecting a best answer from all these as they each have a good bit of action for you.

    Unfortunately I've heard of people doing this - I know of a guy from Ohio that couldn't feed or sell his horses, so he took them to some state land and turned them loose.  People do not know that domestic horses cannot survive in the wild.  they have suppressed instincts when it comes to how to find water or food and they are easy prey for predators.  

    I will also expect that since I've heard of many of these stories, now will be a difficult time to get someone to care for them.  If I were in your position, here's what I would do if possible:

    1.  I would get them food - buy some hay, load it on the truck and take it out to them.  7 horses in this condition should require about 2 bales of hay morning and nite.  If you can only get out once a day, I suggest 4 50# bales - take the bales out there, remove the strings and spread them out so the horses can all share and not fight with each other - not too far, allow them to be close enough for safety and protecting each other.  Do no give them any grain - their systems are too delicate at this time to benefit from it - hay will give them all they need for a little while.  take out a tub or barrel - you can get a good muck bucket from TSC for less than $20 - take a couple of them out there.  Fill some pails of water, put lids on if you can get them.  Fill the muck buckets with water.

    2.  I wouldn't worry at this time about securing them or fencing them in.  Leave them where they are as you have not place to take them today and maybe not tomorrow either.  Try to get near and touch them all but do not try to restrain them.  Just let them know you're there to help and get a feel for how wild they have become.

    3.  Go back to town and locate local tack stores, tell them of the situation and ask them to spread the word, if possible post information on their board.  You must be careful of what you place where - if you place an ad in a paper for free horses that have been abandoned and you have no horse experience, you could get calls from meat dealers who will take them and kill them.  Call the local large animal vets and ask who might be able to help. Contact your country extension office and get the names of 4H or FFA leaders/groups in your area and contact them.  These are the people who would be likely to have space for them.  Maybe a number of them could each take ones.  Contact any stables in the area - especially ones that give lessons as they might be able to take them on or some of them.

    This is very unfortunate and underscores the need for everyone in this audience to take a good hard look at thier situations - I hear many people say they want a horse (assuming kids) and I have people ask all the time how hard it is to keep them.  Obviously, the people who abandoned these horses were some that were not responsible enough to care for them properly - they didn't plan for the worst - what would happen if the economy goes bad or they lose their job, which responsible horse owners do.  Just because you can feed 10 of 'em now doesn't mean you always will be able to.  It is also unfortunate that people still want to breed, breed, breed - when there are horses being neglected right in their own back yard - it takes just as much or more knowledge/experience to have a foal and start it than it does to take a critter like this and make it a great horse.

    I'm sure we would all appreciate it if you let us know what ends up happening to them and what successes you find if you get them to some homes.  If I were in your neck of the woods I'd help out all I could.

    Oh - in case you are unaware where to find hay - ask at the first farm you can think of with horses or other large animals.

  18. terrible! I would put an add in the paper, as well as make a website asking everyone to send $5 or more to please help these dying horses! If 1,000 people gave $5, you'd have $5,000, and Im sure a lot of people would be willing to donate more!

    I know feeding that many horses is a lot of money, but there are plenty of animal lovers out there that would be willing to donate.

    I hope everything turns out well!

  19. Well, I would put an add on the internet websites that sell horses and see if anybody would take them. You could also give them to your local RSPCA and see if ythey would take them and bring them back into good shape.

  20. I agree they need food & water TODAY! I also agree on getting help thru TV stations, Radio, and Internet. Plenty of people will be willing to help. I know I would. Please post updates with "7 Horses" in the title, a bunch of us are interested and many are praying these animals get the help and homes they most certainly deserve. Thanks for caring. :)

  21. Contact the humane society in your state or the national organization; they have the best resources.  Call the sheriff.  Put the news out on the internet--there are many groups that will try to help.  Do NOT just leave them; they will starve.  Horses are very dependent on their humans.

  22. what a terrible thing.  you've got to call newspapers, humane society, tv stations or local rescue associations.

    if this is such a remote area..they must have been dropped off someplace close to a road and worked their way into the deep forest.

    i wish you luck and hope you'll keep us posted as to your success in helping to save these guys.

  23. Since non of your commmunity law enforcement seem interested in doing anything about these horses, at this time, I would suggest you drive out there with your brother in law, and bring them 10 bales of hay and a big water barrell, full of water.  You 2 are the only ones who know where they are and if you dont bring them food and water today or tomorrow they will probably be dead before long.  you can get your money back through the donations you may be trying to secure.  in the meantime they need food and water now!  Seriously, this is your chance to do a truly selfless humanitarian act.  I know it is probably a big pain trying to call and write all the various folks that have been suggested to you here, but please keep trying.  Please bring them hay and water today.  God Bless.

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