
My brother-in-law is divorcing his wife for his 17 year old girlfriend.?

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My mother-in-law thinks the relationship is a father/daughter thing. But my sister-in-law has video proof of his cheating - in their home, while she was there - and she filed for divorce when she knew he was cheating for sure. I support her, not my in-laws, in this situation and my mother-in-law thinks we should support the cheater! She's very religious and keeps flinging bible verses out to try and "show us the path" but I don't agree with her. Any advice?




  1. I'm more than a bit confused about who is in-law to whom and how your in-laws got involved.

    Anyhow, I see you want advice, but about what?

    If you want to know which "side" you should take, my suggestionis : NONE.

    This is not your problem and actually none of your business.  Stay out of the mess or, trust me, you will regret it.

  2. Stick to your guns... He should not only get divorced... BUT ALSO THROWN IN JAIL.... She is 17?! That makes her a minor! And that has a jail sentence to go with it.

    Your Sister should take the video not only to the court, but also to the police station... What a disgusting scum bag....

  3. If you are directly should maybe stay out? Take Care

  4. Ummm... has your mother-in-law ever heard of the commandment "Do not commit adultery"?  Cheating is adultery....there's no path being shown other then your brother-in-law is a pedophile.

  5. Show your Mother in law the tape of the cheating 2.

    The Bible says Adultery is sin. Does not matter who cheated .The person who was cheated on has every right to divorce and remarry.

  6. OK, support the cheater ? NO !! bible verses are OK,,, but she needs to fling them toward the bro in law & is teeny bopper girlfriend,,,,

  7. throw a bible at her and say "go bang the bible you bible thumper" lol just kidding..  you need to just stay out of it and talk to the brother in law.. i bet it won't last anyways cuz a 17 year old is immature and has no idea what it takes to make a relationship work.. he just thinks she is fun thats all.

  8. Where I live it would be considered illegal for him to be sexual with a 17 year old.  That aside, no one can make you side with anyone you don't want to.  Side with who you want.  

    The fact is most men would dump their wife for a young hot chick.  

    No way will their relationship work, it is sick on both sides (his and the young chicks).

  9. no matter what your mother n law says its up to your sister n law. now a days everyone is getting a divorce. so no one is perfect and your mother n law just needs to face the facts. am really sorry this happened to your sister n law

  10. You can tell your sister-in-law that she has 2 choices:

    1. She can turn in her soon to be ex for statutory rape, thus making him a s*x offender, and he will have to register as a s*x offender for the rest of his life,causing him immense trouble and grief. I agree he is a scumbag and probably could use a swift kick, but there might be a better way.

    2. She can gather some information on what happens when someone is convicted of statutory rape, and the problems he will have to deal with for the rest of his life. she can show him that she has proof. and she can blackmail him into making this an easy divorce. Let him walk away with nothing but his barbiedoll. If she has kids with him, this might be the better choice, as she will have to deal with him for the rest of her life. It would leave a bitter taste in his mouth, but wouldn't scar the kids, who are the most important and vulnerable victims in any marriage breakup. Plus, she can crow to mother in law about how she took the high road and supported the cheater by not having his worthless carcass thrown into prison.  

  11. That's just horrible. You should support the one being cheated ON not the cheater and his girl. Is this your brother's brother and his 17 year old girl?

    It is complicated but why would you support a jerk like that and disreguard his spouse? Please tell me they don't have any kids (your brother and sister in law).

  12. Just ignore the MIL and support the victim...the wife who's being cheated on.  Some women are ignorant and try to use the Bible as an excuse to stay with a husband who isn't worthy.  But the poor wife deserves some support after having to deal with such a lousy husband.  Good for you that you're doing the right thing.

    You don't have to tell the MIL what you're doing.  But if you want to, feel free to tell the MIL what you think because she is definitely in the wrong in defending her guilty son.

  13. Your mother-in-law will either be forced to acknowledge the reality of the situation when he shacks up with the 17 year old (or whatever poor girl he's moved on to by then), or she'll cling to her delusions no matter what.  Ignore her when you can, repeat that you're going to have to agree to disagree when you can't, and continue to support your sister-in-law through this.

  14. Show mom-in-law the video - again, if necessary, then ask her to confirm that she is 1) endorsing the man's breaking of his wedding vows and 2) condoning s*x with a minor. Mom-in-law has the right to her opinion, but you also have the right to an opinion that she's a religious zealot. Watch out for your WIFE - sometimes nuts don't fall far from the tree!

  15. please stick by your sister.  she needs you guys right now more than ever.  she need your support and understanding.  

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