
My brother in laws 18 mo. kid bites my daughter everytime they get together how can I get him to stop?

by  |  earlier

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Every time they play she gets bit or scratched and I don't know what to do I feel real bad for my daughter.




  1. Honestly????

    Tell her to bite back.

    If telling him, putting him in time-outs and all other ideas have failed, tell her to bite him back.

    Maybe that will get the message to the 18mo. old that it hurts and he won't do it again.

  2. speak to your brother in law tell him whats happening

    get him to sort out his child and just keep an eye on them when they are together

  3. as bad as it sounds biting back works.

  4. Unfortunately she is probably going to have to bite him back. He isn't going to respond to "no!" as far as biting goes. Biting and scratching happens at my childs daycare alot sadly. I finally told my daughter that if someone hurts her that she should first tell them "no no, stop!" and if they hurt her again that she can hurt them back. Maybe its not the best solution, but I haven't found a better one that is effective.

  5. The 18 month old should be put in time out every time he bites or scratches or hurts someone else.  Rule of thumb is one minute per year of child up to 5 minutes.  

    1.5 minutes in the corner, sitting on a bench or chair every time he does something he shouldn't .  He won't necessarily understand at first and you may have to hold him on the chair, but he'll get the idea soon enough.  Put the timer on the microwave so that he can hear it when the time is over.  

    The adult giving the consequence needs to stay calm and in control.  The child will most likely test you and you will see his aggression get worst at first but he will quickly realize that he can't play if he hurts others.  

    At his age, you should be able to get this under control fairly quickly.  Using the time out method works very well, but you must use it every time he deserves it.

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