
My brother -in laws out of control kids?

by  |  earlier

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My husbands brother and his wife have absolutly NO control of their 3 kids (6,3,1) They talk back at me, hit, run,and yell constantly ,in the house. They eat junk food and drink sodas because they WANT to and can.There has been no dicipline at all and I HATE going over there but my husband wants out 1 year old to be with his cousins. I am right next to my son the whole time and he deals with it. Any advice for me. My sister -in - law thinks "well that's how kids are" and trys to give ME advice. Im fed up and stuck going over for family functions and b-day parties. I want to put the kids in time out but they aren't mine so I don't know what to do.




  1. Yeah, I cant say that I blame you.  I wouldnt want my child around them either- what happens if he starts acting that way?  Does your husband recognize the fact that they are hellions?  Ask him if he wants his son to start acting like that, because he will if he spends too much time with them.

    Cousins are fine, but try to find some other well behaved kids that live around you for him to spend more time with than the cousins.  Not much else that you can do, other than try to get your husband to back off some.  Its really not appropriate to tell someone that their kids are brats, that they drive you crazy, or that you dont want your child to be anything like theirs.

  2. i have friends who have kids the same way and they are hard to be around  , but you are there aunt and you should be able to say to them that if they hit you you are going to put them in time out and tell your husband that you will not stan for a child disrespecting you , i think the biggest thing to worry about is your child picking up on this behavior , tell him that just because other kids do it , it is not right and that he will go in time out , good luck

  3. if you don't want your son around them, tell your husband that you don't want to go. explain it to him. Maybe he will come to see your side of things.

    also what nicky said about you disiplining your son when he is doing what the brats do, if he ever asks you, tell him you don't want him doing it because he is a well mannered young man who knows better than to eat junk food and be a hellion.

    (i would, but then again, i would tell my sis-inlaw that she needs to disipline her kids because they are out of line and i don't put up with that and i would also tell her to keep your advise to herself because her kids are unrully)

  4. While you son is so young and I understand your need to protect him, your going to have to realize that in his life he's going to be exposed to children who aren't as disciplined. Learning how to deal with all people (good and bad) is a part of life. Just keep an eye on him while he's there, if you see them abusing him tell them to stop and punish him for any of his inappropriate behavior. You can't punish them but, you can make sure he isn't their target (too much) and make sure he behaves himself. Later, he'll question why he's being punished but their not, just let him know that he knows whats expected of him regardless of the situation. Being part of a larger family has it's benefits and issues but, in the long run it's good for him to have that type of semi-sibling relationship in life. I can't see your husband being willing to not have his children bonding with his family members, you'll just need to find a way to deal with the situation appropriately.

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