
My brother is addicted to online games. How can I get him off?

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He used to be an intelligent human being until he started playing world of warcraft. He flunked out of college, and becomes very irritable. Whenever he has a problem, he runs and hides in his virtual world. My parents can't talk any sense into him, and he is ticking everyone off due to the fact that he won't do anything. Is there a way to get his life back on track?




  1. FLUNKED OUT OF COLLEGE!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! put a password on the computer. Lock the games he plays. Lock the room that the computer is in.

  2. ahh thats so sad.  Happened to an ex boyfriend of mine, in fact it is the reason why he is an ex.

    He's not going to change until he decides he wants to change.  In the meantime, treat it like you would any other addiction - in other words, all you can do is just be sure that you are not enabling him.  What this means is that your parents need to not offer him any support or help whatsoever.  If your parents give him a place to stay and food to eat, then this allows him to live in his virtual world without ever being confronted by the realities of life and caring for himself.  Basically you've got to kick him out into the world on his own and then wait for him to "hit bottom" where he loses everything and then looks around and realizes that he's wasted his whole life for a game.  Then maybe he'll see that he needs to make a change.

    In the meantime, he might also have some depression issues going on, and it might help him to talk to someone about that, but once again this is really something he has to do for himself, I don't see much that you can do to push it on him.

  3. no there aren't worse things to be addicted to. and addiction is an addiction. this one is difficult, because people like that lock up and close up and its hard to talk to them. so talking wont work. the only thing i can think of is to find something that is more powerful than the computer. find out what he likes and try to get it for him. it has to be something he would prefer over the video game. (also this video game is notorious for catching people like this. he isn't the only one to flunk out of college because of this.) maybe he is missing something from his life, a deficiency if you will, and instead of filling that void he is turning to that game. maybe he needs a road trip to somewhere he's never been or maybe he needs a girlfriend. maybe (for example) he likes cookies a lot, so then you would use the cookies to lure him off the computer and then get his mind on something else really quick. its quite a big job if you are going to tackle it, so good luck. i hoped i at least helped a little.

  4. Oohh, that's a toughy! Things like that really nag me too, because people often become reclusive and don't wanna talk or listen to you. I think it might help, regardless of whether you've told him this before or not, but if you can get his attention, try telling him that you love him and are worried about him, and then talk to him about how smart and intelligent he is...i'm not sure if telling him he's wasting himself will make him even more reclusive, but try encouraging him to do positive things to help him grow as a person rather than moaning at him. Best of luck to you!

  5. try to show him other interesting hobbies or things to do that he might like that dont have to do with video games

  6. That's a tough one. To an extent, we are all a little addicted to something.

    For one, DO NOT lock up his computer, password protect everything, and shut him down like that. If he is as intelligent as you say he is, that will only push him further into his own little world and he'll find a way around it... WITHOUT telling anyone else, turning his open addiction into a closet one, which is much more difficult to deal with.

    The only way he'll change is if he sees it for himself, and he can't/won't do it so long as people in the real world are helping him get by, so don't pay his internet, electric, membership fees or even have lots of food stocked in the fridge... Without people taking care of his needs, he'll be forced to live in the real world once again.

    For positive reinforcement, take him out often, everyday if you have to, and have a great time. By exposing him to fun things in the outside world, he may end up wanted it for himself. Plus, it helpfs break his daily habit.

  7. There are worse things to be addicted to

    Sounds like he's depressed and needs some guidance from a professional

  8. This piece may be lame but your parents may still enforce their parental powers.Such as confiscating his laptop and such.Since he flunked out of college, online games maybe a way to channel his dissapointment in himself.Being a strong character in this game may give him confidence that he lost.Being a stronger person in a different world.Encourage him to change his hobby, that will help a lot.Cheers!;)

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