
My brother is always picking on me, i need some prank to show him who is boss and who he shouldnt mess with

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My brother is always picking on me, and i live in a house full of all guys, so obviously im always getting picked on lol, i need something really good to show em who is boss and show if u mess with the bull youll get the horns lol. The only thing i have done so far is put a rubber band around the sprayer at the sink so when they turn on the water the get soaked. But i need something better than that!

thanks guys!




  1. Put a package of red jello into his shampoo and mix it good.. It'll wash out after a week or two...

    Switch the sugar bowl with salt and he'll have the saltiest cereal in the world...

    Pour some pen ink into one of there soda cans and they'll have black teeth for a week...

  2. lift the toilet seat and tightly put saran wrap over it and shut the seat again

  3. My cousin is 10 and her bother is 15. Their mom's room has a door on the outside if you go around the house. So she was inside with her brother and told him "i'll race you to mom's door through the outside" (she knew he was faster) and when he turned the corner around the house she had a cord tied and he fell over it lmao!! If that doesnt work for you at least you heard a funny story right? =D

  4. Either f**t on his head and put it on youtube OR find some dog poo. put it in a bag and burn it. make sure he answers the door and BINGO!!! No more clean shoes....


  5. fill his soda can wit spit.

  6. You should bake him brownies or cookies and put chocolate laxatives in them.  This will make him have diarrhea and he won't even know what hit him.  

  7. Are they color blind?  miss match their socks.  short sheet their beds.  flush the toilet or run hot water when they are in the shower.  try the shaving cream in their hand and tickle the nose stunt while they sleep.  Put something gooey next to their bed on the floor so they step in it when they wake up.   You need to think nasty.  put worms in between their sheets.  There are so many things.  What fun.  

  8. put your dirty panties w/ his suff in his room where mom can see them when she cleans the room, let me know how u do.

  9. HONEY, best form of retaliation is no retaliation!  Do not let them see it bugged you, infact, just look at the prankseter and give him the stare, you know the one that says "ok you have your fun, but really how childish can you get", and just ignore and move on.  It really gets their goat when they don't get a reaction out of you.  Make them wonder WHY!!!  Believe me I know, I grew up to be the butt of every male cousin's jokes, cause I am petite and they are all 6 footers.

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