
My brother is an a*****e what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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my brother is a d**k, a*****e, whatever you want to call him. He's almost 16 (i'm 18) and he still hits me/beats me up and tells all his friends what an awful person i am and how much i "tell" on him...he constantly takes my stuff and lies to me to make me upset...

how can he change? and please don't say he'll grow out of it because my parents have been saying that since we were 6 and's ridiculous that it's still going on and i can't take much more of it.

what should we do with him?

thank you for your responses




  1. Sometimes you just have to beat the c**p out of someone before they get it.  Kick him in the n--s, hard.  Then do the best possible thing you can do.  That is be a great student, go to college, be a great student there, get a great degree, get a great job and leave him eating your dust.  Success is the best revenge.  

  2. show him who's boss.

    you're the older one.

    you need to whip im into shape!! and lay down the law!


    good luck with him =]

  3. Theres not much u can do I mean if u beat him and call him names and what not he will continue doing it 2 u because he will think that its ok. All u can really do is I guess talk 2 him tell him how u feel when he does this and maybe he might learn and understand.

  4. maybe if you know some secrets or something about him you can tell to his friends but before doing that tell him and he might stop.

  5. Just kill him with when he beats you up, just act innocent and sad. Trust me, it'll make him realize what a jerk he's being. I used to scare the c**p out of my little brother by beating him up, calling him names, etc. until one day he really seemed scared and started have no idea how horrible I felt. Now I just tell him what a great person he is and deal with it when he acts like a little kid.

    I still feel guilty about should make YOUR brother feel the same way I did.

  6. Set some limits in your life... don't allow him to bully you.  and if he hits you, hit him where it hurts most... maybe he needs to get the message you're not s******g around with him anymore.

    If he is taking your things, go to the hardware store and buy a door k**b for your room with a lock on it (if you have separate rooms?).  This way your things will be locked up and he won't be able to take them.  Otherwise buy or ask your parents to buy you a chest or box which locks so you can put your valuables into it.

    Your parents are not consistent at all, and allow this bad behavior from your brother... seems they've been doing it for 10 years now... old habits die hard.  You're going to have to put him in his place.

  7. I'm sorry but if you are 18 and your brother is 16 you have the right to move out. I would move out, he would eventually realize what he has done...eventually.

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