
My brother is dating a girl I do NOT approve of

by  |  earlier

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My brother is dating a girl that I do not approve of. I am actually really opposed to this girl. She is sweet enough if I were to HAVE to hang out with her, but she is nothing special.

She is no where near good looking at all- especially no where near good looking enough for him. She has no body whatsoever. If her body was at least smoking then fine, but her shape resembles an umpa lumpa. Very blobish.

I have pulled him aside and told him all of this. That she is ugly like a 3 maybe 4 out of 10 on a good day. I have told her that she has a horrible shape to her. He says that she has a good personality. I think that is lacking too. She is not funny or witty and complains CONSTANTLY to everyone. She argues with him, because she thinks it is funny. I guess if I was not so opposed to her then I would like her a little better. I just hate seeing good looking guys with ugly girls. On top of that my brother is one of the best catches out there. I know this for a fact and would hate to see him wasted on someone not worth his time. What should I do?!




  1. your a good sister the, you should just talk to him face to face and tell him exactly that she isn't good for him & theres more fish in the see seriously. If that doesnt work let your brother live his life then

  2. Your brother is obviously dating her for a reason. You can express your opinions about her but thats pretty much all you can do. I know if my sister did much more I would have a hard time forgiving her for it so I wouldn't do anything except that.  

  3. To be honest your being completely judgmental and its upsetting me.

    I understand that's your brother and you want nothing but the best for him. But your criticizing this girl over her L00KS! are your serious. She's probably a sweetheart who really cares for you brother and would take good care of him. There's obviously something your brother likes about her. Open your eyes and maybe you'll see it to.  If this girl is really as terrible as you say she is maybe your brother will find it on his own and get rid of her. Till then just let them be.  

  4. The real question is this: "Is your brother happy with this girl?" If this girl, regardless of her looks (or shape), makes him genuinely happy, shouldn't you be happy for him? You are judging this girl based on YOUR criteria not HIS. Your brother is not you. Imagine the situation was reversed and your brother was telling you he hated the guy you were dating because the guy was too stupid... or wears ugly shoes... or he didn't like the color of his hair? The point is that if you really care about the person you're dating then you aren't going to care about what your brother thinks because your brother has different opinions than you do. We all do. Accept your brother as someone who is different from you and love him for that. Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same. :)

  5. Wow, seems like you are in love with your brother! The best you can do is let him make his own decisions. He is not a baby and does not need you to tell him who he can date. Also, who are you to say what's pretty or not? It really clear that YOU are the one with a terrible personality.  

  6. I agree with the other person who answered, please try to get over the fact that you do not think the girl is pretty enough for your brother. Would you like it if your boyfriend's sister told you that you are too ugly to date him?

    That aside, he must see something in her. So you could try to like her. If that is not possible, silence is golden. Don't bring her up in conversation with your brother, don't talk about her. Don't volunteer to hang out with her. Let it run its course. If she is that unsuitable for him, it will end. Once she is out of his life, you can mention your concerns to him. You just really don't want to hurt his feelings. Ultimately, your relationship with him is more important than anything else.

    However, if he marries her, then that's a whole other ballgame.

  7. Wake up dear. Your brother is dating her, not you. The beauty you do not see in her because you are letting yourself look at the surface only may be within, your brother may be smart enough to see it.

    I bet you think your sh_t does not stink huh?

  8. Mind your own business. It's going to be a shame that you'll end up with a really hot guy who makes a lot of money and there will be absolutely no emotional fulfillment in that relationship at all. Let him be happy with the girl that makes him happy. As much as you love him, you have absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

  9. If he wants to be with her then let it be. There aren't many girls out there who are loyal and that he will fall for. So for all you know she may be the only girl he will ever date that will be loyal to him.

    Just let it be... You cant change how he feels. Plus her being ugly isn't a good reason for him to dump her.

  10. First, you need to get over how she looks.  Just because your brother is good looking does not require him to date a certain caliber of girl.  Get over that part.

    The important issue is her personality.  If you really don't like her and she really does complain and argue all the time, talk to your brother about it.  Better yet, how long have they been together?  Talk to her.  It might be a defense mechanism for her.  Maybe she's not like that when her and your brother are alone...

    If she really sucks...and your bro won't see the light...introduce him to a girl you feel is up to his standard and maybe it'll all become clear...  


  11. You are not the one dating her, so it shouldn't make a difference.  The reasons that you gave for disliking her are both shallow and cruel.  I seriously doubt that your brother will just break up with someone because you don't like her.

    I am not fond of my sister in law, but I have never told my brother to leave her.  There is nothing wrong with her physically and even if there was, I would never tell my brother that I thought she was gross.  

    I would suggest that you don't let these kinds of things get to you.  If you care about your brother, you'll let him be happy with whomever he chooses.

    Good luck!

  12. i think your brother is dating her not you...and if he's happy you should be happy for him too.. what would you say if someone disapproved a guy that you love.. just leave him alone and let him date who ever makes him happy..besides even if she isn't pretty, the looks doesn't matter after some time, the only thing that matters is her personality"that your brother likes"...

  13. I think you could be a little less worried about her looks, first of all. As far as her not having a personality, your going to have to deal with it. He's dating her, not you. But the fact that she thinks it's funny to argue kind of says something is wrong.  Why would that be funny? You have the right to protect your brother, but in this case, it sounds to me he's gonna have to learn the hard way.  Sorry!

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