
My brother is g*y, how do I treat him?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 and he's 16. I love him, he's my broo... but he's g*y and I don't know what to do. I have nothing against g**s, but understand me, I'm shocked. How do I treat him?

We talked about women but now?. Help me!

Greetings from America!




  1. after the initial shock wears off you'll probably treat him the same as you did before.  Give it a couple of days.

  2. Just treat him like you normally would. As time goes on you will get more comfortable with it and although you can't discuss "girls", you can certainly discuss relationships and romantic interests, etc.


  4. buy him some elton john cds.

  5. treat him like you always have

  6. Treat him the same way you did before you found out he is g*y!

  7. Treat him the same way you did before. Didn't you all talk about other things besides women? You can still talk to him about women, and he'll listen.  If you're not comfortable enough to talk to him about men, that should be fine. Tell him you love him, but you are having trouble adjusting.  The most important thing is to let him know that he's still your brother and you still love him.

  8. You go on treating as you have... like your little brother.  You'll get passed the shock soon enough.  

    Just be who you are and continue talking to him about girls.  Try not to alter any of your behavior. Continue taking showers in front of him if that's what you''re use to...  He hasn't been looking at you that way and won't now that you know he's g*y.  If anything, he'll be grossed out by the prospect of looking at his older brother the way he looks at other guys. So don't turn homophobic.

    And try to be open to his experiences when he starts sharing them with you.  You don't have to pry, just be open and willing to flow with any discussion he might want to initiate with you regarding his relationships.  Your support to your little brother will mean so much to him and will be registered with him for the rest of his life.   He needs you now, especially in a state that is not known for his professed persuasion.

  9. hey tricky one,the best thing to do is to be honest with him. The idea you have always had of your brother has been turned upside's all ok.He will understand how you feel and appreciate your openess. But  you need to sit down and open up with him.tell him how you feel. it will bring u guys together again.imagine how his struggle has been.

  10. treat him like you normally would. just because he is g*y doesn't mean that he is less of a person.

  11. treat him the same as u used to... after all he still loves u the same way he did... it may be weird to you that he likes men but most women love havin a g*y friend/brother... they can help u with ur fashion, they are great to talk to, and very trustworthy... my boss is a g*y man who is pretty manly but he still has a great fashion sense and gives me tips on my clothing and hair...all that is beside the point because ur brother will still be there to help u through ur women troubles and u can be there to help him through his men troubles...ur relationship doesnt have to change at all lol good luck honey and be there for him... its difficult for someone to admit they are homosexual...

  12. treat him the same as u always sis  

  13. Just treat him like you use to. He's your brother. Especially if you don't have anything against g*y people. I'd say it's a no brainer. That's one thing I know people don't like, is being treated differently because of what they are, or what they stand for.  

  14. Wow...He's only 16 and already he is bobbing on bobo. Well, the best thing to do is be supportive but always make sure you lock the bathroom door when you are in the shower. Think of it this way, most girls are really into hanging out with homos...stick it out and you will be able to pick up tons of chicks! Good luck to you and your brother/sister!

  15. Treat him like your 16 year old brother.

  16. i understand i have the same problem but with girls how it worked for me was i just did the same things that i alwas did with her exsept  left out talking about boys (in your case girls)

  17. Treat him like your brother.  

  18. Treat him like you always have

    he is still your brother

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