
My brother is getting married in Bali next year... i have never been on a plane and I'm absolutely terrified,

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i always swore i would never set foot on a plane unless it was to save one of my kids lives (13 and 4) but now my brother is insisting i at least try, i want to vomit just thinking about walking onto a plane. its a 5 hour trip from here. i thought maybe i could go to the airport and look at some planes i have medication here that i could take, but doesn't that mean that i just won't know if i die cause i'll be knocked out,,lol, what other steps could i take other than sedatives to try and help me onto the plane??? please don't suggest alcohol.




  1. Bali?...i love a great place...i have been there so many times and i totally agree with your brother, you should defiantly try and go. apart from taking loads of pills?.......hmmm......mayb you should bring some relaxing music with you...are you taking your children?..if so think that it is for them as much as for sure that if you are taking them they will be so excited and praise you for your wonderful mothering. So think of it as a trip for your kids.....other wise you could stay up the night before and just get on the plane and sleep!.....5 hours is nothing when you are snoozing!......or think about the wonders of Bali. have you been there before?....if not look at these pictures....

    so just try and enjoy yourself...because i know that when you get most defiantly will!

    hope you have a great time!

    and congratulations to your brother!

    P.S. in the last picture...the house that you see directly opposite the pool...i have stayed in that very one!...the resort is called Rumah Bali....its part of the Bumbu Bali restaurant.....another great place in Bali!

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