
My brother is having a seizure WHAT DO I DO!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

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My brother is having a seizure WHAT DO I DO!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!




  1. call an ambulance ASAP.

  2. you cant be serious. When your brother started having a seizure, you actually ran over to the computer, signed into yahoo answers, waited the time to write  out the quesiton, find the right category, and then wait the 3 mins for it to show up on the questions, and are waiting for people to answer. wtf is wrong with you? you dont have to lie on here you know. and if he actually was having a seizure and al you did was get on a computer while seeing him go through it, you should go jump off a cliff :)

  3. 1. Make sure everything is out of his way so he does not get injured.

    2. Get a pillow for his head. Put the pillow under his head.

    3. talk to him and tell him to keep breathing.

    4. when the seizure is over call your parents.

  4. shut off the computer and help him.  if you are unable to help, call someone who can.

  5. Clear all objects to the side, where they can't harm him. Pillows help, use them to make a safer environment. DO NOT TRY TO RESTRAIN HIM- let the seizure take it's course. When/if he stops seizing. Place him in the recovery position. If you don;t know it, then on his side, but only if he stops seizing. If he doesn't gain consciousness within ten minutes, call an ambulance. If he does, give him LOADS of reassurance when he wakes up. All the best!!!

  6. Contact a doctor.

  7. Here are a few things to do if you notice a seizure taking place:

    1. Do not hold the person down

    2. do not put anything in their mouth

    3. if there are any objects laying around, move them immediately to avoid injury

    4. if the person is on their stomach/side, put them on their back.

    5. If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, call for help.

    6. when the seizure is over, ask the person if he/she is okay, then check for symtoms of stress/shock.

    The person will not remember the seizure, so when it is finished they may be in discomfort for put them to rest. When the seizure is done they are still the same

    7. if the person is unconscious when the seizure finishes, check the ABC's (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

    8. after checking abc's place them in the recovery position

  8. Wow, you've got your hands full- your brother having a siezure and a psycho neighbor with a gun at the same time.


    His other "Question"

    My mentally ill neighbor is in my house with a gun, I am hiding in my room. WHAT DO I DO!?!?!?!!?!?!;...

  9. ambulance

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