
My brother is having another daughter names for her please

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My brother Luke and his wife Jessica are having their second daughter.

They already have a 7 year old girl named Kennedy Belle

And they have a 4 year old boy named Brennan Jacob

Their last name is Cate. Their options for names are:








Traci--- Comments and opinions please (My favorites are Massi and Alexis.) The middle name will be Alaine (Ell-ayne)




  1. I like Massi and Megan ,, Also the name Grace is sweet

  2. Holly Alaine

    Massi Alaine

    Janie Alaine

    Both are cute.

  3. Massi Alaine

    Alexis Alaine

    those are my faves too!

    Whitney Alaine is cute though...

  4. Whitney

  5. Alexis or Leona

  6. I think Megan works the best with her siblings' names - they're both very Irish-sounding, and so is Megan. I think Megan is also a less common name these days than it was when I was born. it also works very nicely with the middle and last names.

  7. Alexis, or Whitney.

    Maybe; Tiffany, or.... Garnet?

  8. I think Alexis is a beautiful name :]

  9. I like Alexis and Massi if you spell it Macy. No Janie or Traci please!*

  10. I like Alexis Alaine and Holly Alaine :D

  11. i like Alexis Alaine

    Megan Alaine

    and Whitney Alaine

  12. I like Holly and Janie

  13. Interesting list.

    I think I'd automatically eliminate the following:

    Traci (It's dated, even when spelled Tracey or Tracy.  And the "i" ending is just too cute and flimsy to grow with the child.)

    Janie (It's awful cutesy to opt for Janie instead of Jane, but Jane Cate sounds too abrupt.)

    Leona (Just doesn't feel like it works with Kennedy & Brennan - it's sort of old-fashioned and gentle, and their other two kids have more Gaelic, spirited, surname names.)

    Massi (I'm baffled by this one.  Is it a creative respelling of Macy?  I want to pronounce it so it rhymes with Lassie.)

    That leaves Alexis, Holly, Megan and Whitney.

    I think the best match for Kennedy and Brennan is Whitney.  The only real drawback is that her initials will be W.A.C. - not dreadful, but not great, either.  Is it possible to spell Alaine with an E?  That would sidestep the initial problem.

    Shy of that, perhaps they should consider Macy.  It's an appealing name, and I suspect that's what they're suggesting with Massi.  M.A.C. works well as initials.

    Enjoy your new niece!

  14. spelling counts traditional spellings are best.

    that said i like

    Macey Elaine Cate, good luck!

  15. I like all of them except Whitney, Alexis, and Leona.

  16. Braunshitta

  17. Dislike Massi. Never heard of it. Janie and Tracie are okay. I like all of the other names a lot better. Whitney, Holly and Alexis are the best. I like Leona but it does not fit in with the names of the other children.

  18. Megan fits best

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