He just goes straight to his room when he comes home. he is isolated from our family. He is 14 years old and likes to collect shoes and is just weird. He always looks tired int he morning when we get up to go to school. He has a I dont give a c**p attitude towards everybody but expects for everyone to let him do what he wants. He adopts a lot of the ways his friends do or like. Like skateboardin, grew his hair out long, he is just weird and isolated from his family. He has a shelf next to hid bed and it lookslike he has some graffiti on it. He spelled his name, and I guess his friend spelled his name. Look like hEIROGLYPHICS. I think he is doing drugs or something but anyways, he has a couple of spray cans in his room on his bed shelf and on the side of his bed,kinda tucked away in a little area next to the graffiti shelf. He also has spray marks on the shelf from the spray cans. They are cans of spray for hair, the colorful hair spray cans you can paint your hair with. I am wondering if he is sniffing this stuff or what since he has a lot of that graffitied shelf spray painted with it. What do you think, and how does this high stuff work with aerosol?