
My brother is leaving for the Marines monday...?

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I wanted to get him something useful and special. Help me please!




  1. In boot camp you get one hour a night to write letters. So he will probably want to write you at home because he is joining a whole new world, so you can't give him anything to take to boot camp but just make sure you write him a lot of letters.

  2. Everything he takes with him will be sent back home. Spend some quality time with him before he leaves.

  3. My fiance's brother just graduated basic training from the army on Thursday.  He wasn't allowed to have any "contraband" as they call it.  Such as cell phones, computers, food etc.  He told us that writing him letters made a HUGE difference.  Just make sure you get his address and he tells you exactly how to write it because it can be tricky.  Write him tons of letters letting him know how much you love and care for him and keep him up to date with whats going on back home.  It'll make things alot easier on him.  Send him pictures too.  If you have any pictures of the two of you together or of him with anyone, they'll make a big difference.  

  4. Def. write him everyday! My bf just left to Infantry training for the Army. They aren't allow to have cellphones and other stuff. So letters is about it.  I can't wait to start writing my man. It will keep them going, cause Im sure they have many hard days ahead of them.

  5. How about a tech mate so you can talk to each other or anything you made him he'll be happy with such as a cellphone decoration...

  6. Just some letters that remind him how much his family loves him, It'll keep him company on those tough lonely days... He'll need it and he'll appreace it, tell him not to open them until he's feeling down, stressed or alone.. It'll put a smile on his face and cheer him up. Trust me, i'm married to a marine and those were the best gifts anyone could give him.

  7.   How about a bible, this is one of the few things they won't take from him in boot camp !

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