
My brother is mimicking me, what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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it's getting SO annoying

he even started talking like me!

please.. i need some help :(




  1. Brothers are annoying, trust me i know as well. Hes probably doing it because hes bored or is getting you back for something you did to him, You could always tell your mum or you could annoy him back. For example say if hes into wrestling borrow some of his mags and read them and then talk how he does about wrestling. Good luck

  2. lol thats cute.  He looks up to his big broham

  3. ..mimick him!

  4. mimic him mimicking you? He does it cause he knows that annoys you tremendously...  

  5. Say stuff like:  (Insert brothers name Here) Is g*y and

    Whoever says this sentence after me likes men xD

    It worked for me  

  6. You have to let him see it dosen't bother you, that is the only way he is going to stop.  When he does it just say You know you sound good.  and if he follows you and does other things you do, just turn around and say, are you keeping up with me, I don't want you to miss anything. When he sees that it dosen't bother you he will leave you alone.........Works all the time...

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