
My brother is scared of s*x. ?

by  |  earlier

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Some days ago i talk to my brothers girlfriend. And we fall in to talking about them. And she sad that they haven't had s*x before because when she treys to tutch him he freaks out.

She sad that he wasn't like that before and she was scared something might have happened.

What should i do. Should i let him wait til he might be ready. or is it better if i talk to him. And trying to finde out if its any thing wrong?




  1. Okay, leave him alone. He's ready when he's ready.

    Maybe he's nervous.

  2. Talk to your brother and ask whats wrong, if he changed suddenly then there must be something bothering him.

  3. i act like your brother..i'm italian so sorry for my english...but i feel unconfortable with myself with my body..maybe he act that way for this reason..i don't know him..but i don't think you should talk to him..if my sister would do that i probably would freak out..his girlfriend should talk to him..hope that i helped you...

  4. i would try talking to him&&find out what's up.

    this fear, provided it is not founded on some unpleasant experience or trauma, will go away as you gain intimacy and stability in your relationship.

  5. Somethings bothering him

  6. for me, u should ask him! hau will u noe that the problem is that he is not ready to have s*x? so it is better if u ask him! if he is not redy, then ask him to tell his girlfriend bout it or if it is bout other problems then u n his girlfriend should help him as he is ur brother n his girlfriend's boyfriend

  7. Your brother may need his own space on this one. It isn't always right to stick your nose into a situation like this, he may have a reason he may not - that isn't for you to know unless he talks to you bout it first. Tell his girlfriend of this comes up anymore that you would rather let him do the talking about it because it isn't your business. If she isn't satisfied with that answer then she will need to discuss this with him not you. If she doesn't then it wasn't something that needed addressed to begin with.  

  8. Your brother may get very upset that you know intimate details that his g/f said to you.  I would stay out of it.  If anything the g/f should ask him what is going on.  It is more her place than yours.  He may not want s*x with her and not know how to say it.

  9. most likely hes not ready.

    some thing is probably bothering him.

    it would be kinda weird if you talked to him about it tho.

  10. No you cant control when he is ready thats his decision if he doesnt want to have s*x thats fine!

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