
My brother is so MEAN! and i be nice to him but he is so Mean! to me how do i stop him?

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HELP FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Just try to ignore him, or tell your parents! Whatever he does to you, do it back!

  2. some  guys are just like that he should grow out of it

  3. haha ya like u can stop him. its been going on since the beginning of time. deal with it u baby.

  4. just ignore him  

  5. Avoid him at all costs!!

  6. its just the typical brother sister stage. even if u try to be nice. he'll prob grow out of the stage soon depending on how old he is. but try not to do anything that will trigger his anger. just leave him be and he'll leave u be. good luck!

  7. I don't know how old you are, but if you're old enough to leave home just have nothing more to do with him. Life is hard enough without having members of your own family attack you. If you can't leave home yet, avoid him at all costs. Sometimes your family can be your own worst enemies. Good luck, Sweetheart.

  8. start bein mean to him or sit down with him and ask him why he does this to you  

  9. You can tell your parents? Maybe they will make him stop.

  10. this sounds like me and my mom but once i got older everything worked out.

  11. sometimes the best way to beat a bully is to ignore them.

    siblings are infamous for pressing each others buttons just to get a rise out of one another.  if you don't react to him as much, he'll get bored and maybe even feel stupid for wasting his time doing things to you that you don't even notice.

    if he gets out of control, try being mature about it by acting confused rather than upset and ask why he puts so much effort into being mean to you rather than having a life of his own.

    it's almost impossible to ruin a relationship with a family member you live with since you'll always be around each other whether you like it or not.

  12. I am sorry that your brother is mean to you. I have an older brother by 2 years and he was always very mean to be. For instance he has shot me with a BB gun, he has broken my arm, and locked me into closets for hours. These are all abusive behaviors, that should have been stopped by my parents. They were tired of it all though and blew it all off. You should talk to your parents and tell them you are tired of being treated badly and you feel that it is unfair that they let this happen

    additonal things you can do, is make sure you are not doing anything to him to aggravate him, like borrowing his stuff, or saying mean things.

    Also, when he is mean act like everything he does is unimportant to you. your brother is mean to you because he likes seeing your reaction of hurt, or anger. Do not show him that hurt and he will eventally get tired of picking on you.

    remember, you cannot change your brother, or controll his actions, you can only change your reaction to your brother.

    hope this helps!

  13. u cant

  14. well, I don't know what it's like to have a sibling... im an only child, but if it were me, Id just punch him and break his nose. Or paint his face with sharpie markers when he sleeps, or dye his hair pink when he sleeps, or fill his mouth wash with some sorta cleaning chemical, or u could crazy glue his hands together when he's sleeping lol a lot of this stuff has to do with when he sleeps, but hey, nobody pisses me off and I make that quite clear.  

  15. How old is he? My brother is soooooo mean too!!! i hate him... I just tell him the only reason i dont completely beat the c**p out of him is because i feel bad for him... lol its funny. but i guess there isn't that much to do but wait for them to grow up...

  16. You can't.

    Don't even try.

    Just try your best to ignore him.

    Or don't be mean back, just find a clever way to shut him up, like blackmail.

    always worked for me, for like a week at the most tho :P.

  17. If you are bigger, then show him authority, if he is bigger, spy on him and blackmail him muhahaha *check for pron*

  18. tell your parents

    or tell him the following:

    "so bothering your sister is

    how you cope with your small d**k!?"

    lol idk

  19. Maybe you can sit down and have a heart to heart talk with him. Just let him know that he is really hurting your feelings and that you love him and wish that he would stop.

  20. idk but check my question!!!;...

    is this some sick joke played by the government or a group of psychos trying to scare people

  21. i also have this problem.  I think the best way to handle this is to just ignore him.  good-luck :)

  22. just  tell  him

  23. Tell him that its bothering you and he needs to stop because your his sister. If you guys are young it will take look for him to undertsand and youll just have to deal with it or talk to your parents about this so they can tell him to quit it.

  24. hit him as hard as you can and then say something mean to him

  25. Just give him space, he's probaly taking you for graunted and he should miss you when you dont talk to him as much as you do now. hope this helped, good luck!

  26. awww, im sorry. Talk to him, and let him know how he is making you feel.

  27. ***** slap him lol

    he'll get the point

  28. if you want him to stop bothering you althogether, jsut ignore his antics. dont let what he does affect you, and he'll learn that being mean will not get your attention.

    if you want him to stop being mean in general, you can either tattle, do the same to him, or just take something away that he loves everytime he does something mean.

  29. stop being nice to him.. why should you be nice if hes going to be mean to you? Also you should tell him that you dont like how he treats you. And you would like him to treat you with some respect.

  30. Where are your parents?  In my family the brothers were told to leave their sisters alone.

  31. beat him up or run away from him if your scared

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