
My brother is using inappropriate language?

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my brother is 3 years old how do i stop this child from using inappropriate language before he will start school!!!




  1. Try telling him it's not nice, if he continues bust his ***.

  2. why are you trying to stop him?? where are his parents?? and children dont just come up with this on their own.. they learn it from the people around them.. so teach by example

  3. The environment around is very important.

    When he hears something, he will say it without knowing what it means.

    Keep him away from people(friend) who uses inappropriate language .

  4. You shouldn't have taught him those words in the first place.  And, why aren't your parents more concerned than you?

  5. start by taking away sumthing that he has fun doing and if that doesn't work time out and an *** whoopin will do. but maybe he's watchin cartoons and movies with cussin on it but sumtimes its natural

  6. You have to tell him that what he is saying is not appropriate. You also need to find the source of where he is hearing this language and stop it immediately.

    Also, talk to him about things that he could say instead.

  7. try, when he says a naughty word replacing it with another, but don't make a big deal out of it. if he knows he's getting to everyone he'll keep on doing it. then if he keeps doing it just your parents to inform the school of what he's doing and they'll advise them on what to do.

  8. Pray to God, and find a priest who can perform an Exorcism.  No really, continue to impress upon him that it is not nice, and when he says a bad word give him an alternate word to use.  And change his blaphemous environment.

  9. The question you should be concerned with is who is he getting the words from. Once you find out, then you should limit their contact and let that person know what is going on. Some old kids find it funny that a younger child uses inappropriate language, but in reality it's not a good thing. He is young so he might not understand you talking to him. You might have to tell him that you will take away his favorite toy, stuffed animal or TV program for him to understand and make sure you do this if he uses profanity. At his age, consequences make more of an impression than threats or talking to. Hope this helps.

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