
My brother just beat me up?

by  |  earlier

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Well I was on the computer and for some odd reason my brother like lives on the computer.(ALL DAY)..Well I was sittin on the computer on Y!A.(YAY)..He comes, I want to get on the computer, I say "HOld on, I havent been on all day and I only been on for 2 minutes". He turns the computer OFF.Im like WTF(didnt say that). He was taking my Mom downtown and so I threw shoes at him because, nobody is going to get away with calling me bad cuss words and turning off the computer. After im done thwrowing shoes at him, I go to the bathroom thinking that he is not going t o come back to the house and just take my mom downtown. He breaks the lock on the front door(i locked it) and busted the bathroom door open and hit me in the head with the shoes I threw out there and then beat me with his fist. Now,I have big knot on my forhead. Is there Anything I can do with the swelling???

The badthing about it is I didn't do anything but sit there and mind my own business on the computer.

I can't go to the doctor because we can't afford it

Was he wrong or was I?




  1. you should put some ice on the knot and hold it there, or use frozen peas, works just as well, and he was in the wrong not you, if your parents don't know they should, and if it hurts a lot for a few days i'd go to a doctor anyway, and if posible file a complaint with the police against your brother

  2. Hey,

    Well technically you were both in the wrong, although he shouldn't be allowed to gt away with the level of violence that he got away with. Do you have an ice pack? or something frozen like peas? If you do then use them to take the swelling away but use a towel underneath the ice or you might get ice burn and it's not nice, tell your mom as soon as they get back. If he broke the door down and beat you up so much that your heads swelling then im sure your mom will not be pleased at all. Keep safe hun,  :)


  3. Hi,

    You both were wrong. He sits on the computer all day, and when you get a chance he turns it off???

    You shouldn't have thrown your shoe at him. That's just going to make him do more and make you mad. just be calm and talk to your mom about it. She is sure to do something to help! If you want to go on the computer just get on when your brother's not home...

    And for the bump, try an icepack

  4. well you sorta provoked it by throwing shoes at him..but anyway..i suggest you just put and ice pack on your head..nothing can make the knot go just relax..if thats all you got then there's no worries.

  5. He REALLY was in the wrong.

    Tell your Mom.  He had no right to hurt you, or turn off the computer.  Since when is he the boss of you I'd go kick his nuts off (lol dont though)

    fight back girl!!!!!!

    tell your mom first though.  he's a jerk and should be old enough to know better than to do that.  the biscuit eater.  

  6. You were both wrong. But for him to break down a lock and beat you is way out of line. You should file a domestic dispute report so that he knows that he can't abuse you. You can look for a clinic in your area if you really think that you need help. They offer free medical help to those who need it.

  7. well it is wrong for him to do that while you were on the computer, and its more  fuc*** up that you got beaten up for no reason, there is probably a lot of lack in communicaition with yall, and i think you should tell your mom and also talk to him, i mean yall are brothers and so many different things have happened to me like that with my sister, just talk to him and tell him your side. Good luck

  8. This is a bad situation... your brother really shouldn't have done that.

    Maybe try and get something done about him if he does it again?

    But as for the bruises, try putting some Arnica cream on them - It's good for swelling and bruises and such.

  9. First of all for the swelling I think you should get some ice and put it to your forehead. Maybe wrap a towel around the ice and then put it up to your forehead. It will be cold, but it will help. Then about your brother, you definatley need to tell your parents, that is serious. And I don't think you did anything wrong.

  10. Your brother sounds like an a*****e and if he treats his sister like that he probably will not treat a girlfriend much better.  Tell your mother and father what he did to you, and get that boy some help.

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