
My brother just found out that he fatherd a child, problem is the child is now 17 yrs old.?

by Guest59298  |  earlier

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The mother has found him and now wants back child support for those 17 yrs. My brother never knew about this kid till now he has taken a paternity test and it was 99.99 percent positve. What can he do legally so that this woman doesnt take him to the perverbial cleaners. And he cant really affor an attorney. Any legal advicew for him??




  1. try calling legal aid..they give free advice

  2. he has to get an attorney that specialize in child support and family services. G/L

  3. surly he cant pay 17 yrs worth of child support now - its ridiculous and cant be expected. Even if he does get taken to court, i dont think he will be told to pay back all that money, espec. if he has only just found out about the baby. If the mother wanted the money, then she should have asked then, not now - it is way too late for that.

  4. he has to pay

    next time.. use a condom - it costs WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY less than 17 yrs in back logged child support

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