
My brother just sworn into the Marines. Am I bad sister for not feeling too excited?

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Im not too sure how to react..

I totally support our troops but its a scary feeling knowing what my brother might be doing. =( hes only 18

But I know he's so excited which is kind of making me happy..

I just feel like a horrible sister not being 100% excited about the whole thing..

I dunno I guess thats normal




  1. You dont have to be excited. Just be proud, supportive and thankful for what he is doing.

  2. You don't have to be excited..just be proud of him. Being a marine is a huge honor, he has accomplished something great.

    The uneasy feeling is from what you know could happen. Hun, if he gets deployed, just support him. Send him letters and silly things.

    Have faith in the fact that your brother is strong and smart..I guarantee he has been trained well.

  3. Every loving family member is terrified the day their blood joins any branch of the U.S. Military.  Not feeling 'excited' is not how you should judge yourself.  Are you proud of the choice he has made to defend you.  Because that is what he is doing.  Defending you and your family.  Would you feel 'excited' if he were starting a job at Microsoft.  Probably not.  Be excited for the days he comes home on leave.  Be excited when he calls to tell you stories of his new life.  But be proud of what he is doing, and be honored that he is doing it for you.

  4. Don't feel bad, you're not horrible your concern is well founded. Look at it this way, would you rather he be in jail? His choice was one of tradition and pride. Coming from a military family, all the way back to the Civil War, I can tell you that I'm proud to know that he's doing the right thing.

  5. Jessica, I think it is normal to not be too excited about your brother going into the marines...just know that he's doing it for his country and that we are proud of him.  :)

  6. It's completely normal to be worried and anxious when someone you love joins the military. My family was very concerned when I did so and I just blew them off as worrying too much. Looking back now, I am grateful to have people that cared and loved me as much as they do. My family was very proud the day they got to see me become a Marine and I'm sure you will be too. He's doing something that not many people have the guts to do.

    I know how you feel, my younger cousin who I grew up with was about to join the Marines after me. It made me very proud of him but at the same time worried for him. He recently decided against doing so and opted for college instead. Secretly, I was extremely relieved LOL :)  

  7. You are not a bad sister but I think you should support him whether you are excited our not.  He is going into a very good and respectable career.  I wish him the best of luck!

  8. you are entitled to your feelings!  however is his decision and you should support that.  i have three children in the military two of them have serve two tour of duty in iraq and Afghanistan and my daughter is on her first tour i n iraq.  yes is scary but I'm proud of them, i don't want to burden them with my feelings after all if they are willing to put their lives on the line whom am I to reproach them or feel scare.

  9. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and opinions.  Your feeling of lack of excitement for your brother joining the Marines does certainly NOT make you a bad sister, it shows everyone that simply you care for your brother's well being and safety.  

    Thanks goes out to your brother for joining the Marines!  Although I am US Army, the Marines are an excellent move.  Now there is one more soldier on my side :-)

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