
My brother makes weird noises?

by  |  earlier

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my brother is 23 and the problem is he makes weird noises- he doesn't have terterts or anything. He does has ADHD. It gets sooo bad sometimes that everyone stares. I don't know why he does it or what to do about it? Help?




  1. down syndrome? or autism?

  2. Hide ur face in a bag ( make sher its paper) or jump off a cleft. But the best thing to do is to say I DON'T KNOW HIM!!!

    HAHAHAHA LOL i know how u feel i have a brother too

  3. does he have autism? take him to a doctor for a check up and a diagnosis.[if he has it]

  4. Check out the link below. You  might find it very informative.

  5. does he purposley shout things out or just go ugh, or umph

  6. he might have not sure if its a milder form of tourettes or not. but when my brother was younger he used to make noises and blink his eyes alot and really hard...but they have gone away with age

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