
My brother?????

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Hi, my name's Kyla. I'm 28 years old and i have lost my parents last year. I have a 6 year old step brother who I took custody of. I don't know how to school him. I don't have the money to put him in school, I don't have the skills or the time to teach him myself. I was wondering if anyone on here knows any sites i can go to for online teaching or anyone who is offering to teach him on here. He's in the grade 1 level. Thanks to all those who help, you'll be helping out alot by answering this question.




  1. What about public school? That is free.

    If not: has resorces

    These are affordable: (ONLY 20 or 30 dollars a month) (If they have your state) (Free if they have your state)

    I am sorry for your losses and I wish you luck

    If you need more resorces or have any questions feel free to e-mail me.

  2. Check here and ask if they can give you a scholarship for him.  Explain the situation on the best detail possible...I hope it helps.

  3. In which country do you live? That'd help us figure out what would be available where you live.

    ADDED: I got your message about where you live. It should not cost you anything to send him to school. Public schools are government-funded schools and the government pays for the students to go. Most school districts even have bussing set up and have special provisions for low-income families for other costs.

  4. Where do you live?  Many states now have on-line public schools that are free.  Most of them even provide a computer.  

    I have a six year old that I am homeschooling.  We like Saxon phonics and math.  I use AOP for the other subjects.  Some towns have groups where you can get great hand me down curriculum.  Also, check out resources at the library.  You can get a lot of curriculum with a teachers manual that will tell you exactly how to teach a subject, down to what to say to the child.

    I wish you all the best in your journey!

  5. Kyla, not all public schooling is free, my home town cost close to $150.00 a child & up depending on the grade there in.

    The county were in is free & its only 30 mins away & in the same state too.

    But we also homeschool our son, becuase the schooling system in this state sucks.

    But because we have family still in this state, we live here. But even if we did move out of state, I would still refuse to let my son in a public school again!

    Public school has left a bad taste in my mouth for life.

    I was in public school & it really messed me up badly, my parents never wanted to support me in anything, I had alot of personal problems going on, that later on, my mom said had she have been in a better state of mind, I would NEVER have been in that school at all.

    I refuse to let my children go through what I went through while in public school.
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