
My brother replaced head gaskets on my 2000 malibu v6 3.1 but didn't label push rods or rockers

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can someone give me the proper placement of the rods and placement and torque for the rockers




  1. stop right now and either subscribe to alldata diy dot com or get a manual. there are two different size push rods, one is for intake valves and one is for exhaust. i have seen people put them in wrong and ruin the engine. get a book like a haynes manual or go to alldata, its only like 30 dollars and has everything you need to know including specs for everything, good luck

  2. The push rods and rockers are suppose to go back in the same position they came from. I use a block of wood with holes drilled in it to store the push rods while I am replacing the heads. As for as torque goes only use the numbers that you look up in a maintenance manual. You can look at one at a library. I have asked for torque specs before and always get the wrong ones that way.  

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