
My brother told me he was a crossdresser., I told my friend. ?

by  |  earlier

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Last week my brother told me that he was a crossdresser. I promised him that this would stay between us. But i talked to a friend of mine the other day to get some help or something. I thougt i could trust her. The next day when my brother whent to school everybody knew. I sendt my friend a pic so she could see him as a girl. Now everybody had this pic on their mobile phones. And was laughing and just making fun of him. Now the last 4 days they have ben making it a h**l for him, He dont talk to me anymore. I dont even look at me.

And i see how bad he feels know. and hes totaly a wreack. A tryed to talk too him. But he runs of. og loock him self in his room.

I feel so bad for him. I just want to hold around him and make him feel good. But i wont let me.

I know what i did was terible wrong. But i dont whant him to suffer. I whant to do something for him;

Please help:(




  1. Kick ur friend in the head for telling everyone. And tell her how bad he feels. If she thinks it's funny, don't talk to her any more. She spilled ur secret and so did u, how u feel towards ur friend is how ur brother feels to you, but 10x worse cuz ur  family. He probably told u before ur parents knew. To make it stop, maybe u could really embarrass ur self so that they'll stop teasing him and tease you, or at the least they'll bug both of you and ur brother won't have to deal with it alone. Do the nobel thing. Once he finds out that u embarrassed ur self for him, he'll probably forgive you.

  2. I am glad you feel bad, i would have loved to have bros or sis and would have respected them 110%.

    What you did was selfish and stupid, i don't care what you say or think or anyone else, you deserve it before the advice.

    Don't you know friends and lovers come and go, family are there for life as much as possible.

    Now, you need to show that little cow just what she has done and teach her a lesson she will one day be grateful for.

    I am hoping if you felt you could trust her so well, she trusted you enough to tell you stuff. If not you IDIOT!!!!

    Get dirt and proof and spread it like wildfire. Don't feel bad when you do it, because you are doing it for your bro.

    However bad you feel, remember it's your bro, your stupidity and that evil cows actions have made feel 100 times worse.

    Sending a picture in this day and age? what were you thinking?

  3. Wow! Some freakin' friend that was! I would defineltly talk to your brother in writing or e-mail as the previous person suggested. It's gonna be hard but just explain why you went to this friend who you THOUGHT you could trust. I would also talk to your friend and let tell them how betrayed you feel. And I'd mention all the legal ramification that can come from slandering someones name like that.

  4. Let him have his space. He feels betrayed, & so do you, because of your friend. Write him a letter or send him an e-mail if he won't talk to you. Tell him that you made a mistake & never ment for something like this to happen.

    I don't exactly know how he's going to react, but letting him know you are extremely sorry is a start. You will probably have to gain his trust back, though.

    Good luck!.

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