I'm 15 and he is 18. He acts really immature when we argue. I always just ending up telling him to shut up and then I stop arguing but he always drags it on and on. My parents aren't home so he thinks he can do anything he wants to me. For example, I have the only computer in the house. It is my laptop. He thinks he can use it whenever he wants. So if I'm watching TV and on the computer, he says I can only do one or the other so I have to give him the computer. I said no, so just now he took MY 4 wheeler and left. He won't answer his phone so I accidentily borrowed his ipod from his room without asking and put it in my room and I locked him out of the house and have no intention of letting him in for a while. He can sit in the rain for an hour or so. When I tell my parents they just say oh ignore him he'll stop, but he won't. I can't stand him anymore. What should I do? Thanks. =]