
My brother wanna sue the building landlord for millions of dollars can he sue for millions?

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Just a few days ago my brother heard a loud crash and his 2 children screaming around midnight on saturday. When he woke up half of the ceiling fell on the children room and it fell on them and remarkable they didnt got hurt that much.

He called 911 and they got to my brothers house in second because theres a firehouse right next to their building.

And now that the children are hospitalized for broken fingers and scratches the children are both girls age 1 and 3 years old and he wanna sue for millions and i believe he can sue the building owner for neglect and they moved on that apartment a year ago on july.

How much can he sue for and can he get that much money his children are not that badly injured they are hospitalized as a precaution because of broken fingers and inhaling dust which is lead.

I just wish he can sue for hundreds of millions if possible and i am really pissed because my 2 niece got seriously hurt and the landlord is on vacation.

I need everyone who answers opinion please and provide me with steps in suing the landlord.

Thanks in advance.





  1. Anyone can sue for any amount, if you can prepare the documents correctly and pay the filing fees and costs. The more you sue for, the higher the court you have to sue in, and the more it costs.

    Damages for injuries to children can be quite high, based on the medical care they may need or the diminished earning capacity for the rest of their lives. Your brother may want to consult a personal injury lawyer in his area. There are a lot of things that need to be done to establish if there is a case.

  2. What caused the ceiling to fall down?

    The most important thing is that the kids are okay, not worrying about money.

    No you are not going to get millions.

    Medical, pain and suffering, most likely a small claims court suit.

    You cannot sue because the landlord is on vacation.

    You also state "children are not that badly injured" and then go on to say,"my 2 niece got seriously hurt."

    The age of the building would come into play, was this ceiling repaired by someone and that caused it to fall?

    It may be something the landlord know nothing about.

    But, if he did know that ceiling was bad, another story.

    So, you need to look at the whole picture.

    Happy that the kids are going to be okay which would be my major concern.

    Plus, maybe his insurance will make an offer, wait and see what that is.

    I know they will. It might be more then you would get with a lawyer who would take a large cut.

  3. you can sue for as much as the hospital bills and if the court thinks there is permanant damage to the girls.  Problem is you need to prove they were negligent and it wasn't something that they were not aware of.  Get a lawyer who will charge you for someone to do an investigation..../

  4. Yes, he can probably sue and win but I have no idea for how much. You just said you nieces were hospitalized for broken fingers and scratches, that doesn't sound too serious to me.  

  5. He's not going to win millions.

    Just the cost of hospitalization and maybe a thousand for pain and suffering.

    He won't even get that if it looks like he's trying to win a lottery, which he is.

  6. You can sue anyone for anything and ask for any amount.

    Getting it is another story. You'll get your damages. If you win.  Hospital bills, maybe some pain and suffering.

    You also have to be able to prove neglect. Therefore, there would have to be some degree of proof or at least a likelihood that the landlord was aware of the problem, that the building was unsafe and he did nothing about it.

    On a side note:

    1. You make it sound like the girls are still in the hospital ("hospitalized"). They don't keep you in the hospital for scratches and a broken finger. They treat you and boot you out the door.

    2. You are pissed cause the landlord was on vacation? What was he supposed to be in the room holding  up the ceiling? Old buildings deteriorate..that's how the cookie crumbles. (No pun intended.)  

  7. (1) You don't have millions in damages. Lucky to get a grand

    (2) A falling ceiling isn't necessarily proof of negligence by the landlord.

    I'd talk to the landlord's insurance company in a reasonable fashion before I tried to go anywhere else with this. It's not a great case.

  8. I'd be pissed to if that a*****e was on vacation when the c**p hit the fan. You'd think he would at least waited until after the ceiling fell to go gallivanting around the country. Don't jack around with no stink'n millions, we're looking at billions here.

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