
My brother wants to migrate to australia from the U.S?

by Guest45189  |  earlier

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He's got a working Visa teaching Children with Special Needs.How and Where do we start?




  1. Paz is right- secure the job first. Once that is done, the chance of being accepted is much easier.

    I have been in New Zealand for 3 years. I would HIGHLY recommend that your brother visit AU before considering the move- not as a vacation, but as RESEARCH. This means leaving his "rose-colored vacation glasses" at home and really looking at the surroundings with a critical eye. This will only give him a vague idea of what to expect when he makes the move, but it's better than nothing.

    EDIT: Razor Jim is right- the prices are higher than most areas of the U.S. A good steak dinner in AU will run you at least $30 each- and that's NOT including salad, bread, or drinks. They do make a good steak though.

  2. I would agree he needs to go their on a visitor visa first. I did that in 1988 and it cured my wanting to move there.

    1988 prices for a plain garden salad and glass of house wine $26.95 at the Sheraton Sydney. Including tip and 'weekend surcharge' total $33.00

    Two year old 1986 Toyota I bought in the states used for $12,000. Same car in Sydney was over $30,000.

    It was too rich for my blood. I can't imagine today's prices.

  3. He should contact the nearest Australian consulate for all the information he would need in order to do this.

  4. My husband is a U.S Citizen and has migrated to Australia on a spouse visa.  I would start by getting a job, once he has a job he can look in that area for housing and what not. The internet is so perfect for this as he can do it while still in the U.S.  Or if you have a specific area you want to come to then search that area. We live in Cairns, but i have no idea of the job market here.

    Good Luck!

    One site you could try or contact centerlink

  5. Do your checking with the Australian govenment websites. You'll have to do a yahoo search.

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