
My brother went to college and I am lonely! Help!!?

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I am a sophmore in high school and my brother and I were pretty good friends, but he left for college and now my house is empty-ish...

It's just my mom and I, she works until 5 during the week.

How do I get over missing him so much and STOP being lonely?





  1. Hang out with your friends and talk to ya brother when u can..

  2. my older brother just left too! im so sad but i've noticed it's easier for me to get things done and spend time with friends...just think of the good things

  3. That's a hard 1 You just think about somrthing very good that happened in your-life but not about your brother ok that would make you miss him more.

  4. What you need to do is get out and meet more people. Trying to going to church. The big ones have lots of young people. Shop around until you find one you like.

  5. Once school starts things will get easier for you. Maybe consider joining an extra cirric activity this year to take up some of the time between the end of school and when you mom gets home or look to finding a after school job. Unfortunately he probably won't have a great deal of time to keep in contact with you during his freshman year but, it's a good time for you to become more independant and explore various opportunities around you. good luck.

  6. awh i know how you feel, last year my sister went to college for the first time and I was really sad. But I got over it in like 5 days. Just talk to him on the phone, and if you have a webcam you can talk to him on videochat. it's really fun i did that with my sis! Also if you're still feeling sad you can just look in his room and stuff and sit there for a while. Don't be too sad, he's probably missing you too. But just think he'll be having fun in college soon and you can party with your fellow sophomores.


  7. It is difficult when a family member moves out, especially when you are home for a few hours nobody around.  Try keeping yourself occupied with homework, or after school activities so you are not alone as much when mom is working.  Can you hang with a friend somewhere also.

  8. me and my sister were friends and she passes away last summer and i felt the same way. just got to hang out with friends and always have soemthing to do. nothing worse than sitting around. I do alot of research now and i know a little bit about alot.

  9. make ur mom a brother f**king hill billy

    PPPPPP     U                        U   SSSSSSSSSS AAAAAAAAAAA

    P          P    U                        U   S                     A                    A

    P        P      U                        U   S                     A                    A

    P      P        U                        U   S                     A                    A

    P PP           U                        U   SSSSSSSSSSA                     A

    P                U                        U                        SAAAAAAAAAAA

    P                U                        U                        SA                     A

    P                   U                 U                            SA                     A

    P                       UUUUUU            SSSSSSSSSSA                     A

    ps: i took me like 30 minutes to make this.. so u better laugh!!

  10. Get yourself a boyfriend/girlfriend!!

  11. go out and do thing with ur friends or ur brother up on da phone

    please answer my question;...

  12. play some sports, hang out with new people and invite em over.

  13. Email him, text him -- send him jokes on text messages, talk to him on IM, etc.  He probably won't have a lot of time to talk to you at first, while he's getting to know people at his school, but just let him know that you miss him -- he'll appreciate it.  (And send him cookies!)  

  14. Aw, that does suck when you're left alone after the other kids leave for college or get married. When my sisters left for college I called them a lot, and spent time with my friends, and I talked to my parents about it because they really missed them too.

  15. write a letter to him...because if you call him then he might be a lil busy to talk.

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