
My brother who has mental illness saids he wanna join the airforce as a fighter pilot. do u think he can join

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the only experiences he has with an aircraft is a remote control airplane that he plays with everyday around the back yard.




  1. no. the airforce tests evey skill including brian function

  2. Why not, Bush did

  3. I hope not.

  4. No, but he can be President and be in charge of the Air Force


  5. im sorry but i dont think your brother can join with a mental illness because you have to be very healthy and fit to be a fighter pilot

  6. Hello,

    It's possible, but not probable.  If his illness is curable-not just "treatable", and he can recover at/before age 14.  He might be able to.

    Otherwise, no.

    I'm sure you understand, though he may not that military flying, especially in fighter aviation, is EXTREMELY mentally and physically demanding. To even have a chance he will have to:

    1- Complete a Bachelor's degree at an accredited institution

    2- Be accepted into and complete a commissioning program

    3- Be accepted into and EXCEL at pilot training.

    If his dream keeps him motivated and encouraged to sustain treatment and therapy by no means should you discourage him!  He will find out for himself later on, if he can do this.

    Good luck to him and your family.

  7. Although you didn't specify the exact mental illness, I highly doubt it.  You have to pass numerous psychological and physical examinations to even be accepted into the training program.  Depending on the severity of the illness, the likelihood of passing all the tests required of a USAF fighter pilot is also pretty low.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'd say no.  You can, however, go to and chat with a recruiter and ask him/her.  Good luck.

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