
My brothers are brats, what do I do?

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My brothers are complete brats and I don't know what to do. Like just tonight my brother who is only seven decided to take off in the pitch black of night and ride his bike two blocks to his friends house. When we noticed he was missing my mom drove around looking and found him at the house, and when she brought him back she was mad but his only punishment was going to his room.

She didn't even yell at him! So suddenly he sits on top of the stairs and starts screaming and shouting that he wants water, and finally after calmly explaining we just gave him water, I said "just be quiet, brat!" and my mom started yelling at me!!!! So then I start playing on the laptop and he starts screaming he wants the laptop, and my mom made me give it to him! I started to say if he gets the laptop it isn't really a punishment, and my mom got mad at me again! I'm tired of my brothers, what do I do? Should I get revenge? Prove to my mom they never get in trouble? How do I do this?




  1. just stay away from your brothers.

  2. When my two younger sisters were being brats I would pull them close and whisper mean things in their ears. I would tell them I was going to pull the heads off all their dolls in the middle of the night if they didn't stop and if they told I'd deny it. Also, you could always slap your hands together really hard when one of them is close to you and say "Mom! He hit me!" and start crying. :D Good luck!

  3. teach them good morals through religion but always politely

  4. Tell your mother she is unjust and that you are going to hire an attorney emancipate yourself (legally divorce your parents) because she plays favorites which is unacceptable behavior, my drug addicted mother always favored her sons because she never wanted a daughter. My mother treated me like yours and I had to clean up everything by myself and got in trouble for whatever my brother did. I wish somebody would have told me that I could divorce my parent because i would have done so in a heart beat.

  5. First, let your mom be the mom. She might make mistakes from time to time, but she's the mom. You're the older sister. Different job.

    Second, I'm an older sister too, so I know how tough this is to remember, but your brother has the brain of a little kid, and you don't. Add to that that girls are typically a bit more mature (maybe 2 years ahead sometimes), and just realize that your mom can't have rules that are consistent for both you and your brother.

    This will work in your favor when you are a bit older.

    Third, when you feel up to it, which might not be for a while, but when you do, you can ask your mom if you can help. Once your brothers see you're "junior mom" and your mom turns to you to help out, things will be much more calm.

  6. tell your mom that your brother are getting a way easy, when they act up, she need a stricter punishment when they act up. She need to tell

    your brother that they need to realize that you are older and need to respect you more then they do.

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