
My brothers bent my kittens ?

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this mornig my brothers bent bennys (cat) tail.what should i do my cats tail is broken




  1. Take it to the vet and make sure your brother gets in trouble for animal abuse!!!

  2. break your brothers behind!What a b*****d.Break something valuable of his.I would.

  3. the VET?????????? ring a bell??

    if you leave it for more then a few days without treatment its a criminal offence nd if you dont have the money for a vey (or ur parents dont watever) then you shouldnt have a cat!! bring it to a shelter where theyll help the poor thing.... but basically a vet yeah go now quick!!

  4. take it to the vet, it is probably in pain

  5. First off your cat needs to see a vet.  A new injury can be set and after it heals there will be very little affect from the damage of having the tail broken.   If left alone the  cat could suffer from a potential infection of the blood, and have balance issues for the rest of his life.  Cats rely on their tails for balance when running, climbing and what not.

    Also how old is your brother, if he is young, you don't want to have him persecuted for animal cruelty.  While this is a terrible accident this is a good chance to teach your brother how to properly treat and handle animals.  They need to know that what they did was wrong and they cannot act that way.

    Hope this helps!

  6. vet asap!! kitten might be in serious agony

  7. Definitely get the cat to a vet, or shelter if $ is an issue.  Broken bones are not something to leave alone.

    As for your brothers, tell your parents and let them discipline them...  And trust your instincts about leaving your cat around your brothers.  You don't want this to happen again, or something else!

    Good luck!

  8. Take your cat to the vet to be sure and treat any issue with his/her tail.  

  9. take it to a nearby vet.

    explain to the vet what happened and he/she will help you.

    and for right now tell your brothers to leave the cat alone. and make sure you hold your cat now and watch it at all times.

  10. Have your parents take the kitten to a vet, and punish your brothers. They are the best authority to determine punishment based on your brothers ages. But you need your parents to step in and take care of the kitten and the problem.

  11. First and foremost you should take Benny to the vet. He sounds like he needs medical care. If you are unable to take him because of financial reasons you should surrender him to a local shelter or rescue. That's probably not what you want to hear but it is in the best intrest of you kitty.

    How old is your brother? I know small children tend to harass animals because they really don't know any better. If your brother is older than 4 or 5 then your parents should punish him somehow. I seriously doubt it would do anything to call the police or have him charged especially if he is young.

    I hope that your kittys tail gets better and that you keep any other animals away from your brother unless supervised.

  12. Call the vet. What is wrong with your stupid brother? Keep the kittens away from that psycho.

  13. first of all, your brother needs some justice. He need to learn manners and be told that is not acceptable. Then you need to pack up Benny and take the cat to the vet. The cat's tail is bone, tissue, and nerves. IT HURTS. just like if you broke your arm. So letting the cat like that is cruelity. Then you take care of her PER the VETS orders.

  14. Vet. Now.

    Why would your brothers do that? :o(  

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