
My budgie's bath water has feathers in it does that mean its using it?

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by feathers i mean down




  1. This is not a 100% indication that it is using this for bathing since feathers molt and could be in the water due to molting. Bathing water should be dumped and replaced with fresh water as much as possible. Some birds also like to be misted with a water bottle.

  2. That is a good indicator. Also may be molting its feathers out.

  3. It doesn't mean he's using it, my female cockatiel almost never left feathers in her water when she bathed; generally if there are feathers in the water they have been moulted normally and just happened to fall in the dish. If you want to know if your budgie is bathing try looking at her chin: after a bird bathes their chin feathers will often be spiky and dark from the water, making it look sort of like they have a beard.

    A good way to encourage her to bathe is to take a hand-spritzer (the type people use for misting small plants or spraying on starch while ironing clothes) that has never been used before, fill it with clean water, and lightly spray the air above her cage so that the mist rains down on her. A lot of birds will spread their wings, raise their feathers like they've got goosebumps, and preen and/or rub their head on their body. Kind of like taking a shower as opposed to taking a bath.

  4. Yes its does sound as if he is using it.  You can add a piece of romaine lettuce to the water.  It will help it keep fresher longer and he will enjoy shredding it and getting some good vitamins in the process!


    Parrot Adopt Southern Ontario

  5. I've got three birds myself, and even though I have a bath in there most of the time, I've never seen them use it, but it gets dirty often.

    My birds will flap their wings often, and a lot of down will go flying all over the place, including into their bathwater. Although your budgie may use its bath, it's just as likely that the feathers just fell in when it was preening or moving about.

  6. You are quite the detective, Sherlock.

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