
My budgie is boring?

by  |  earlier

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he doesnt play with his toys. he doesnt chirp unless i sing to him or unless he's by himself. and when he does chirp its like the same constant chirp. he won't eat vegtables. he just perches on this rope thing in his cage and when he hungry he'll get down and eat. i take him out of his cage sometimes and he'll sit on my finger (kind of, he jumps off) . i dont know what im doing wrong :( i offer him fruits and vegies everyday but he doesnt eat them and he's not active but i know he isnt sick.




  1. Bidgie a.k.a. parakeets do not eat fruits and veggies they are more happy on a seed diet only. Millet spray is a tasty treat made of seeds you can feed the birds. Go buy some and see how happy it makes your bird. Also new toys will often peek their interested.

  2. Budgies usually dont eat fruits, they pretty much are on a strictly seed diet. Millet is there favorite that might perk him or her up a little. And a partner or friend might help because sometimes they get lonely by themselves. And as for staying on your finger Budgies generally arent the playful type or really dont enjoy time out of there cage. Try getting him toys with mirrors or anything shiny to play with that might help.

  3. LISTEN HERE!! get ANOTHER BUDGIE! IT IS LONELY!!!! That's why its SAD! IT NEEDS SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. he may be under the weather, in that case i would have him checked out, also you should handtame your budgie, this way he will bond to you and will look for you for a good source of entertainment goodluck! has good tips on how to handtame a bird

  5. Get him a Horny female

  6. (If Im right rate me best answer)

    Get him an outdoor bird run with a fruit bush inside and let him fly in the sun! (You can hire some1 to build it or build it on ur own.) Stock it with some small trees and make sure to trim them.  Also, leave a radio on 4 him :)

  7. contrary to what other say parakeets do eat fruits and veggies. Feed them the fruits and veggies every day. Some days he will play with them, some days he will nibble on them and some days he will devour the fruits and veggies.

    It takes different birds different amount of times to try new foods. All birds are different. Some just jump all over new things. Others go hide in the corner because they don't like the orange that you put in there.

    Try kale, mustard or endive greens from the grocery. They will eat dandelion, the roots and leaves. (wash them off first) The thing is to keep trying no matter what. Try some scrambled egg fixed in the microwave. Just cook it for 42 seconds and mash it up with a fork. Not to much of it because it is high in protein and this could make your bird come into condition if it is a female.

    About a 1/2 tsp ever other day. (No salt on the egg).

    The key to training any bird is patience. Take it slow, if the bird isn't into the session then put it back into the cage and try again in a half an hour. It might take the bird a couple of days for your to gain his trust but you will if you are persistent and

    treat the bird with kindness and don't try to training your bird if you are angry or in a bad mood.
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