
My budgie is pregnent but no egg as yet,please help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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plz help.i bought this new pair of budgies just 5 days ago and the female seemed pregnant(all the usual signs::swollen vent,large poops,drooping wing,etc...) as its just been 5 days since i bought them i do not know when it had mated or since when it is pregnant...i felt around her abdomen and its soft(is the egg supposed to make it hard or something) how many days max does it take for the egg to form???is there something wrong or am i panicking for nothing???the female otherwise seems to be perfectly healthy and having no illness or showing any bad sign....please help..




  1. Birds do not get 'pregnant'. Do not feel around her abdomen; if she does have an egg in there; you could do damage.

    A bird, usually, will not lay an egg in a new 'strange' place. She needs time to get accustomed to the sounds and 'feel' of the new home.

    I would suggest that you leave her alone except to change the food and water dishes for at least a week. Let her see you and put her in a less traffic area. If you want them to nest they need to feel safe and comfortable and not in a situation where they are being inspected and spied on all the time.

    You are panicking for nothing. Some mates do fine in a new place and others wait for years or will never lay a clutch. The later is usually do to their never feeling safe and comfortable.

  2. If the egg is there, she will lay it in a little while, so I wouldn't worry, she may not be pregnant you will have to wait and see, but she should be fine

    You don't know when they bred, but she should lay her eggs pretty soon.

    Gestation period is usually less than a month.

    I wouldn't worry about her being sick because of not laying the eggs yet.

  3. Um, you don't call it pregnant when it's a bird that lays eggs.  Budgies don't breed as easily as, say, zebra finches do (I've had both.)  

    She's fine--stop worrying and leave her alone.  She's only been in her new home five days.  Let her adjust.

  4. Don't birds just lay eggs??

  5. Best bet is to find an avian vet and ask them for advice instead of yahoo answers since we cannot see or diagnose the bird online.  If the egg does bind in there it can kill her which I'm sure you don't want.  Even a regular vet may be able to help you out but best thing to do  is either go in and see the avian one or call on the phone to ask what they recommend to do.  I don't want to see you lose your bird just because someone told you it would be OK when they don't know the whole situation.

                   Would like to know why I got a thumbs down when it was a perfectly logical thing to recommend.  The owner is concerned for the bird and its health so why not call a vet to find out more information since if the egg (if there is one) can bind it will kill the bird if it is not removed either naturally or by a professional.  Personally I would rather be safe than sorry.

  6. Do you have a nest box?

    She might be scared to lay her eggs if there is no nest box

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