
My budgies are producing fertile eggs but none are hatching any reasons why.?

by  |  earlier

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My budgies are laying on time and the eggs are fertile but on the hatching date there are no young hatching. When i look at then through a light there are signs that there were chick in there at one point, like a small blood vessle or red blob.




  1. Are  you certain they are fertile?

    It takes up to 18-21 days for the eggs to hatch,this is from the last egg laid.

    Your next point , is their diet good?

    For a good diet for breeding your birds need ,

    Greens such as a little Broccoli, Kale,Spinach and if you can get some Dandelion Seeding Heads before they burst give them these.along with seeding grass.

    You can also give them soaked sprouting seed,

    soak some of their seed with an little addition of Hemp and Niger.soak overnight in warm water,rinse place some-where warm till it sprouts(2-3 days) and feed this A.S.A.P.

    Don't forget a good supply of Cuttle-bone and a Mineral block.

    Last but not least this is the wrong time of year for breeding Budgies,early spring is the best time ,breeding budgies at this time of year coincides with their molting season and will bring down their health.

  2. There can be a lot of reasons for this to happen. My first suggestion would be to try just leaving them alone, don't check the eggs, don't look in the nest box. Some of my birds will abanden the nest box if distruibed.

    My second suggestion would be to check the humity, if it is too dry where they are at that could be the problem, or too wet is also a problem. Maybe give them a fresh Bath water everyday, then they will help regulate the humity.

    Beyond these to ideas I would have to have a lot more details

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