
My builder/electrician has not provided the promised certificate?

by  |  earlier

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In January work was finished on my house. I paid my builder who paid his own contractors. The electrician refused to use the halogen lights we had bought and said he would not give us his certificate to say the electrics were good unless we let him buy some safety halogens. This cost about an extra £300. Anyway even though we shelled out we then didnt get the certificate. The builder kept promising he'd sort it. We chased and chased. Builder said electrician had sent it blah blah. So a few weeks ago the builder gave me the electricians no. I rang and he took my address and promised by the weekend. didnt get it. so asked him a week later. he promised to sort it. he didnt. Now he wont answer me. So ive gone back to the builder today asking him to sort it because we paid him. This is 7 months later now! Can i take this further? Can i threaten to report them? How can i demand this certificate? I paid for it, i want it!





  1. Join the club, its happened to me. If he is registered then definately try with the organisation to get it sorted. Otherwise you could send him a very strong letter but be careful with those letters as I understand we are all very angry but really he knows where you live etc etc

  2. Go to the trading standards they will sort it out.

  3. The objective here is end up with the certificates! If the builder ( who you have the agreement with) cannot get them, then the only other way of getting them is to pay the local council to appoint a contractor to come and test the installation. This could cost you upto £300, of course you would have the right to pursue the builder for this money! I suspect that when you explain your intended course of action to the builder he will ensure that the electrician hands the certificates over.  If the electrician is not registered with one of the several schemes that allow him to issue part P certification your complaint remains with the builder not the electrician and you will have to pay the council and charge the builder.

    Good luck

  4. Why aren't you taking this up with the builder.  You hired the Builder, not the electrician.  The builder that you paid should have hired someone with a certificate or license.  I don't know why you are chasing the electrician.  It should be the person that you ended up paying that's responsible for that.  If the builder hired someone without a certificate, then you should ask for some money back, because he probably paid less for the un-certified electrician, and probably charged you the same price.

  5. If he's registered to be able to produce a  certificate, he must be registered with the IEC. There are some details about the scheme on this page plus a complaints link

    *If* he is really a registered electrician, of course; if not, then your builder shouldn't have used him.

  6. sounds like the electrician is not registered .. take this up with the builder if it was agreed as part of the original specification of works that a certificate would be supplied as normally there would be an additional charge for this in his original quote for the works

  7. get a lawyer and sew the builder for all this headache that if documents arent produced in 10 days you will sue for brach of contract and all expenses incured while trying to get this cirt

  8. Contact trading standards - sounds like you've been ripped off.

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