
My bull snake escaped about two days ago I need a way to find him asap, any ideas?

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He is wild caught and still pretty young. But because he only eats live mice and my house is huge I doubt he'll go for the traps I've read about in which you use pinkies. Between my Dad and my dog he is dead if I'm not the first to find him. I love him to death and would hate to see him die.

I'd love any ideas anyone has to catch him as discreatly as possible, but I'm up for anything.





  1. The best places to look are under the fridge and stove (the like the heat) also in the clothes hamper under piles of clothes.  Don’t forget they can climb…look on table legs in room corners in closets…depending on how small the snake is look in shoes.  If you have hardwood or vinyl floors you could put a row of flour down at doorways and such, if the snake crosses the flour it will trail…you will at least be able to tell which way the snake went.I know kind of hard to do with your dad but maybe there are places you can put flour that he isnt likely to see.  A friend of ours found his ball python in a bag of substrate that he had bought…there was a hole that the snake went in through.  It will show up eventually.  We had one ball python that used to get out and go up under a table (there was a “shelf” under the table where the snake liked to go.  Another ball python got out and went into the couch cushions…another ball python got out and went behind a large blanket chest.  Lets see…we had a blood python that got out and went under his cage.  Our kingsnake got out and we found her in a dresser drawer.  The point is look everywhere.

  2. Think like a Bullsnake. They hate being exposed or cool, and they don't like to climb.

    Start where it would have hit the floor. Look in every hole, opening, etc. that it can fit into, and some that you would swear were too small. Don't forget to look inside things like the pockets of clothes on the floor.

    Whenever you 'clear' something, try to make it so it is not the next hiding place- clean as you go, tape off openings, etc.

    Odds are it is within about 10' of where it touched ground.

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